European dimension of metropolitan policies : policy learning and reframing of metropolitan regions


    • Fricke, Carola


European dimension of metropolitan policies : policy learning and reframing of metropolitan regions

Carola Fricke

(Springer geography)

Springer, c2020

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references



This book questions how policies for the metropolis become Europeanised. The book analyses how spatial concepts and political ideas permeate the European multi-level system. Through an interpretive comparison of five contexts, the book provides an overview of the European orientation tracing two interdependent developments. First, the book examines references to 'Europe' in national and subnational policies. In French and German policies, metropolitan regions are increasingly framed as being central not only for inter-municipal coordination, but also as nodes within the European space. Moreover, Europeanised metropolitan regions such as Lyon and Stuttgart develop European strategies. The second development shows how metropolitan regions appear as actors and issues in the European policy arena, contributing to a tentative and implicit metropolitan dimension. This multi-scalar analysis is of interest for scholars and practitioners specialised in metropolitan regions, European urban and regional policies, geography and related areas.


Table of ContentPreface ixList of Tables xList of Figures xiAbbreviations and Acronyms xiiAbstract xivZusammenfassung xv 1 Introduction: The European Metropolis in the Making? 11.1 The Meaning of Europe in Metropolitan Policies 11.2 The Europeanisation of Metropolitan Policies as a Circular Process in a Multi-Scalar Polity 5 1.3 The European Dimension of Metropolitan Policies: Objectives and Research Design 6 1.4 Structure of the Study 9 2 The European Dimension of Metropolitan Policies 112.1 Metropolitan Regions in Contemporary Academic Perspectives 112.1.1 Metropolitan Areas and City-Regional Interdependencies 122.1.2 Metropolitan Regions in the Global System 142.1.3 The Triad of Metropolitan Institutional Approaches 152.1.4 Three Key Understandings of 'The Metropolitan' 172.1.5 Constructivist and Relational Understandings of Metropolitan Regions 182.2 Metropolitan Policies in Europe 202.2.1 Defining Metropolitan Policies as a Heterogeneous Policy Subfield 202.2.2 Comparative Perspectives on Metropolitan Regions in Western Europe 212.3 European Union Policies for Metropolitan Regions 232.3.1 Metropolitan Policies of the European Union: Towards a Metropolitan Dimension? 242.3.2 Multi-Level Governance and the Role of Sub-National Actors in the European Union 27 2.3.3 The Europeanisation of Urban, Regional and Spatial Planning Policies 32 2.4 European Strategies and Spatial Concepts in Metropolitan Policies 372.4.1 European Strategies of Metropolitan Regions 372.4.2 Spatial Concepts and Metaphors 392.4.3 Selected Spatial Concepts in European Metropolitan Policies 412.5 Conceptual Framework 472.5.1 Analytical Lenses to Understand the European Dimension in Metropolitan Policies 472.5.2 Central Suppositions and Conceptual Aims of the Study 493 Theorising Europeanisation as Policy Learning and Reframing 50 3.1 Europeanisation 503.1.1 From Domestic Impact to Three Mechanisms of Europeanisation 513.1.2 Social-Constructivist Modes of Europeanisation 523.1.3 Europeanisation in a Multi-Level Polity: Interdependence, Circularity and Territorial Configurations 54 3.2 Policy Interdependency 57 3.2.1 Departing from Policy Transfer and Diffusion 573.2.2 Including Space: Geographies of Policy Mobility 583.2.3 Including Ideas: Ideational-Cognitive Approaches 603.3 Policy Learning 613.3.1 Understandings of Policy Learning 613.3.2 Multi-Dimensional Approaches for Analysing Policy Learning 623.4 Interpretive Perspectives on Structure and Agency 653.4.1 Structure-Agency Models for Understanding Policy Learning 653.4.2 Comparing the Analytical Power of Structure-Agency Models 673.4.3 Frame Analysis and Reframing 703.5 Europeanisation as Policy Learning and Framing 723.5.1 Overview of the Theoretical Framework 723.5.2 Frame Analysis as a Bridge between the Theoretical Framework and Methodology 734 Understanding Metropolitan Policies from a Comparative-Interpretive Perspective 754.1 The Choice of an Interpretive Approach and its Specification 754.1.1 Reasoning behind Interpretive Policy Analysis 764.1.2 Cognitive, Social Constructivist and Hermeneutic Background for Interpretation 774.1.3 Practical Consequences for the Interpretive Research Design 794.2 Comparing Interpretively and Geographically 804.2.1 Comparative Policy Analysis: From Comparative Politics to Interpretive Congruence Analysis 80 4.2.2 Comparison of Cities: From Comparative Urban Studies to Comparative Urbanism 83 4.2.3 Comparing as Interpreting Congruence and Contextuality: Practical Steps 864.3 Identifying and Selecting Cases of Metropolitan Policies 874.3.1 Identifying Metropolitan Policies as Cases 874.3.2 Selecting Cases for Comparison 884.4 Inquiring with Qualitative Methods 904.4.1 Semi-Structured Expert Interviews 904.4.2 Policy Documents 924.4.3 Document Analysis and Coding Strategy 934.4.4 Interpretive Analysis of Qualitative Coding 944.5 Summary of the Interpretive-Comparative Research Design 965 Europeanising Metropolitan Regions: The European Dimension of Metropolitan Policies in Lyon and Stuttgart 97 5.1 Lyon's European Policies 97 5.1.1 Specificities and Exceptionalism of Lyon's Metropolitan Policy Context 975.1.2 The Continuous Development of a European Dimension 1045.1.3 Europe as a Shifting Policy Frame and Rhetoric Reference 1085.1.4 Europeanisation of Lyon's Metropolitan Policies 1105.1.5 Learning and Reframing Processes in Lyon's European Metropolitan Policies 1165.2 Stuttgart's European Policies 1205.2.1 Stuttgart's Metropolitan Policy Context and its Exceptional Character 1205.2.2 European Dimension in Metropolitan Reform and Metropolitan Initiatives 1255.2.3 Stuttgart's European Engagement in Chronological Perspective: From Awakening to Saturation 1375.2.4 Europeanisation of Stuttgart's Metropolitan Policies 138 5.2.5 Learning and Reframing Processes in Stuttgart's European and Metropolitan Policies 1456 The European Dimension of French and German Metropolitan Policies 149 6.1 Metropolitan Policies in France 1496.1.1 Metropolitan Regions as a Policy Issue between Spatial Planning and Territorial Reform 1506.1.2 Changing Metropolitan Policies: From Metropoles d'Equilibre to Pactes Metropolitains 1516.1.3 Understandings of Metropolitan Regions in France 163 6.1.4 Shifts in French Metropolitan Policies 1686.1.5 Europeanisation of French Metropolitan Policies 1706.1.6 Learning and Knowledge Exchange in Metropolitan Policies in France 1756.1.7 Reframing of French Metropolitan Policies 1786.2 Metropolitan Policies in Germany 1806.2.1 The Institutional Context of German Metropolitan Policies: Federal Consensus or Metropolitan Particularisms 1806.2.2 The Development of a European Dimension of German Metropolitan Policies 181 6.2.3 Overlapping and Competing Understandings of Metropolitan Regions in Germany 1936.2.4 Major Shifts in the German Concept of Metropolitan Regions 2016.2.5 Europeanisation of German Metropolitan Policies 2046.2.6 Learning and Reframing in Germany's Metropolitan Policies 2097 Metropolitan Policies of the European Union 2127.1 Situating Metropolitan Regions in the European Context 2137.1.1 Institutional Context of European Metropolitan Policies 2137.1.2 Metropolitan Regions as an Implicit Policy Issue 215 7.2 The Place of Metropolitan Regions in European Union Policies 2167.2.1 Regional Policies in the European Union 2167.2.2 The European Urban Agenda 2177.2.3 European Spatial and Territorial Planning 2187.2.4 Constructing Metropolitan Regions as a Policy Issue in the European Context 2197.3 Concepts of Metropolitan Regions in the European Context 2217.3.1 Metropolitan Regions as Nodes and Engines of Economic and Spatial Development 2227.3.2 Metropolitan Areas as Functional Urban Areas or Spaces of Interdependency 223 7.3.3 Metropolitan Regions as Scales of Governance and Cooperation 2287.3.4 Overlaps with the Concept of City-Regions 2297.4 Europeanisation of Metropolitan Policies 2307.4.1 Institutional Europeanisation 2307.4.2 Europeanisation via Funding 2317.4.3 Europeanisation via Lobbying and Networking 2347.4.4 Cognitive and Symbolic Europeanisation 2377.5 Metropolitan Issues as Objects of Learning and Problems in Reframing Processes 2387.5.1 Policy Learning on 'The Metropolitan' in European Union Policies 2387.5.2 Reframing 'The Metropolitan' in the European Context 2458 Comparing the European Dimension of Metropolitan Policies from an Interpretive Perspective 508.1 The European Dimension of Metropolitan Policies in Lyon and Stuttgart 250 8.1.1 Point of Departure: European Positioning and Metropolitan Reform 2518.1.2 European Metropolitan Strategies in Lyon and Stuttgart 2528.2 European Dimension of French and German Metropolitan Policies 2548.2.1 Origins and Context of Metropolitan Policies in Germany and France 2548.2.2 Differences and Commonalities of Metropolitan Policies in France and Germany 2558.3 Understandings of 'The Metropolitan' 2568.3.1 Metropolitan Regions as Nodes for Territorial Competitiveness 2578.3.2 'The Metropolitan' as Internal Spatial Interdependencies 2588.3.3 Metropolitan Regions as Political Entities 2598.4 Channels of Europeanising Metropolitan Policies from Below 2608.5 Metropolitan Policy Learning Across Contexts 2638.5.1 Learning from other Contexts by Observation 2638.5.2 Learning through Mutual Exchange, Co-Creation and Spatial Policy Mobility 2648.5.3 Learning between Practice and Academia 2658.6 Reframing 'The Metropolitan' 2668.7 Comparing as Interpretive Congruence Analysis 2689 Concluding Reflections on Europeanising Metropolitan Policies 270 9.1 Reprise: Explaining Shifts in European Metropolitan Policies 2709.1.1 Comparing Metropolitan Concepts in the European Multi-Scalar Polity 2709.1.2 Understanding the Europeanisation of Metropolitan Policies as Learning and Reframing 2729.2 Discussion of the Findings in the Light of Previous Research 273 9.3 Perspectives for Future Research and the Development of European Metropolitan Policies 276 Appendices 278Appendix A. Examples of Interview Guidelines and Questionnaires 278Appendix B. List of Interview Partners 284Appendix C. Overview of Selected Documents from the European Union Context 287Appendix D. Example Coding Tree 293References

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