Gendering security and insecurity : post/neocolonial security logics and feminist interventions



Gendering security and insecurity : post/neocolonial security logics and feminist interventions

edited by Navtej K. Purewal and Sophia Dingli

(Thirdworlds / edited by Shahid Qadir)

Routledge, 2019

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographies and index



Security studies and international relations have conventionally relegated gendered analysis to the margins of academic concern, most commonly through the 'women in' or 'women and' politics and IR discourse. This comprehensive volume contributes to debates which seek to move feminist scholarship away from the reification of the war/peace and security/economy divides. By foregrounding the empirical reality of the breakdown of these traditional divisions, the authors pay particular attention to frameworks which query their very existence. In doing so, the collection as a whole troubles the ubiquitous concept and practices of '(in)security' and their effects on differentially positioned subjects. By gendering (in)securities in 'states of exception' and other paradigms of government related to it, especially in postcolonial and neocolonial contexts, the book provides an approach that allows us to study the complex and interrelated security logics, which constitute the messy realities of different - and particularly vulnerable - subjects' lives. In other words, it suggests that these frameworks are ripe for feminist interventions and analysis of the logics and production of (in)securities as well as of resistance and hybridisation. This book was originally published as an online special issue of the journal Third World Thematics.


1. Gendering (in)security: interrogating security logics within states of exception Sophia Dingli and Navtej Purewal 2. Boundary anxieties and infrastructures of violence: somali identity in Post-Westgate Kenya Awino Okech 3. Suspended death: on freezing corpses and muting death of palestinian women martyrs Suhad Daher-Nashif 4. Gendering violent pluralism: women's political organizing in Latin America Kristin Bergtora Sandvik 5. Sovereignty, vulnerability and a gendered resistance in Indian-occupied Kashmir Goldie Osuri 6. Violence, the state and gendered indigenous agency in the Brazilian Amazon Jose Miguel Nieto Olivar 7. Gendered militarisation as state of exception on the Korean Peninsula Young-Ju Hoang and Noel O'Sullivan 8. Labels, victims and insecurity: an exploration of the lived realities of migrant women who sell sex in South Africa Rebecca Walker and Treasa Galvin 9. Militarized cultures, disgraced bodies, and autocratic securities Jihan Zakarriya 10. From administration to occupation: the re-production and subversion of public spaces in Kashmir Khalid Wasim Hassan

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