Camera gothica : gothische kerkelijke architectuur in de 19de-eeuwse Europese fotografie Camera gothica : architecture religieuse gothique dans la photographie européenne du 19e siècle Camera gothica : Gothic church architecture in the [sic] 19th century European photography


Camera gothica : gothische kerkelijke architectuur in de 19de-eeuwse Europese fotografie = Camera gothica : architecture religieuse gothique dans la photographie européenne du 19e siècle = Camera gothica : Gothic church architecture in the [sic] 19th century European photography

samenstelling, Pool Andries, Willem Aerts = composition, Pool Andries, Willem Aerts = composition, Pool Andries, Willem Aerts

Provinciebestuur van Antwerpen, 1993


Exhibition catalogue

Catalog of the exhibition held at Antwerp, Cathedral of Our Lady [O.-L. Vrouwekathedraal], 2nd April-30th May, 1993

"Exhibition organized by the Province of Antwerp [Procinciebestuut van Antwerpen] on the occasion of the re-opening of the restored Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp on 2nd April, 1993."

Includes bibliographical references: p. 273-274
