Astronomical polarisation from the infrared to gamma rays
Astronomical polarisation from the infrared to gamma rays
(Astrophysics and space science library, v. 460)
Springer, c2019
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全7件
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Other editors: Andrew Shearer, Agnieszka Słowikowska, Silvia Zane
Includes bibliographical references and index
This book serves as both a primer to astronomical polarimetry and an authoritative overview of its application to various types of astronomical objects from AGN, compact stars, binary systems, stars across the HR diagram, transients, the interstellar medium and solar system bodies. It starts with an historical perspective, a discussion of polarimetric theory, instrumentation and techniques in wave bands from the near infrared to gamma rays.
The book presents the state of the art in astronomical polarimetry. It is motivated by the new X-ray polarimeters due to be launched in the next four years and improved optical polarimeters on large telescopes requiring a new analysis of polarimetric theory, methodology and results.This book will be suitable as advanced undergraduate companion text, a primer for graduate students and all researchers with an interest in astronomical polarimetry.
Chapter 1: Polarimetry primer - Fiona Kenny, National University of Ireland, Galway
Chapter 2: Astronomical Polarimetry : Introduction and History : Sascha Trippe, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Chapter 3: Radio and optical polarimetry of AGN : Frederic Marin
Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg
Chapter 4: Polarimetry of binary systems: polars, magnetic CVs, XRBs : Tariq Shabaz, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
Chapter 5: Multi-wavelength polarimetry of Isolated pulsars : Alice Harding, NASA Goddard Space Flight Cente
Chapter 6: Polarimetry of Magnetars and Isolated Neutron Stars : Jeremy Heyl University of British Columbia
Chapter 7: Polarimetry of stars across the HR diagram : Swetlana
Hubrig, Leibniz-Institut fur Astrophysik Potsdam
Chapter 8: Polarimetry of transients (GRBs) Shiho Kobayashi
Liverpool John Moores University
Chapter 9: Polarimetry of transients (SNs) Nando Patat, European Southern Observatory
Chapter 10: Optical Polarimetry of Solar System bodies. From asteroids to debris disks : TBA
Chapter 11: Interstellar medium polarisation : TBA
Chapter 12: Optical [UV/IR] polarization (instrument/ techniques/ calibration) : TBA
Chapter 13: X-ray polarization (instrument/techniques/calibration) : Paolo Soffitta, INAF/ISAP
Chapter 14: Gamma-ray polarization : Vincent Tatischeff, Univ Paris-Sud
Chapter 15: Future perspectives in ground and space-based polarisation
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