The arte of rhetorique, for the vse of all soche as are studious of eloquence, set forthe in Englishe, by Thomas Wilson. 1553. And now newlie sette forthe again, with a prologue to the reader. Anno Domini. M.D.LX.


The arte of rhetorique, for the vse of all soche as are studious of eloquence, set forthe in Englishe, by Thomas Wilson. 1553. And now newlie sette forthe again, with a prologue to the reader. Anno Domini. M.D.LX.

By Ihon Kingston, 1560


The rule of reason : conteinyng the art of logique. Sette furthe in Englishe, and newly corrected by Thomas Wilson




Other works are bound in the same volume. In 2 parts.

[Part 1]: The arte of rhetorique ; [Part 2]: The rule of reason

[Part 1]:Includes "An epistle to perswade a young ientleman to mariage, deuised by Erasmus", a translation of "Matrimonii encomium"

[Part 1]:Dedicated to the Right Hon. Lorde, Ihon Dudley, Lorde Lisle, Erle of Warwike.

[Part 2]:Place of publication and printer's name from colophon, Imprinted at London : By Richard Grafton, printer to the Kings Maiestie] Anno Domini. M.D.LIII. [1553] Mense Ianuarij

[Part 2]:Running title reads: The arte of logique

