The epistolary novel : representations of consciousness


The epistolary novel : representations of consciousness

Joe Bray

(Routledge studies in eighteenth-century literature, 1)

Routledge, 2014, c2003

  • : pbk


First published 2003 (hbk)

Includes bibliographical references (p. [143]-150) and index



The epistolary novel is a form which has been neglected in most accounts of the development of the novel. This book argues that the way that the eighteenth-century epistolary novel represented consciousness had a significant influence on the later novel. Critics have drawn a distinction between the self at the time of writing and the self at the time at which events or emotions were experienced. This book demonstrates that the tensions within consciousness are the result of a continual interaction between the two selves of the letter-writer and charts the oscillation between these two selves in the epistolary novels of, amongst others, Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood, Samuel Richardson, Fanny Burney and Charlotte Smith.


1. Introduction: Consciousness, The Novel and The Letter 2. Sex and Politics: The Epistolary Novel before 1740 3. Reserve and Memory: Richardson and the Experiencing Self 4. Sentiment and Sensibility: The Late Eighteenth-Century Letter 5. From First to Third: Austen and Epistolary Style 6. Postcript: The Case of Herzog

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