Between Compliance and Particularism : member State Interests and European Union Law


Between Compliance and Particularism : member State Interests and European Union Law

editor, Marton Varju

Springer, c2019

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references



The book examines how the interests of the member states, which provide the primary driving force for developments in European integration, are internalised and addressed by the law of the European Union. In this context, member state interests are taken to mean the policy considerations, economic calculations, local socio-cultural factors, and the raw expressions of political will which shape EU policies and determine member state responses to the obligations arising from those policies. The book primarily explores the junctions and disjunctions between member state interests defined in such a manner and EU law, where the latter expresses either an obligation for the member states to comply with common policies or an acceptance of member state particularism under the common EU framework.


Marton Varju and Veronika Czina, Between Compliance and Particularism: Member State Interests and European Union Law.- Darinka Piqani, In Search of Limits for the Protection of National Identities as a Member State Interest.- Federico Casolari, EU Loyalty and the Protection of Member States' National Interests: A Mapping of the Law.- Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel, EU Post-Crisis Economic and Financial Market Regulation: Embedding Member States' Interests within "more Europe".- Monika Papp, Member State Interests and EU Internal Market Law.- Francesco de Cecco, Member State Interests in EU State Aid Law and Policy.- Or Brook and Katalin J. Cseres, Member States' Interest in the Enforcement of EU Competition Law: a Case Study of Article 101 TFEU.- Albert Sanchez-Graells, Against the Grain? Member State Interests and EU Procurement Law.- Monika Namyslowska and Agnieszka Jablonowska, Member States Interests and the EU law on unfair B2C and B2B practices.- Maria Eva F ldes, Member State Interests and European Union law: the Case of Health Policy and Health Systems.- Ludivine Petetin, Managing Novel Food Technologies and Member States' Interests: Shifting More Powers Towards the Member States?.- Sara Hungler, Local Interests and Social Integration in Europe: Integrating the Member States under the European Pillar of Social Rights?.- Peter Van Elsuwege, The Duty of Sincere Cooperation and its Implications for Autonomous Member State Action in the Field of External Relations.- Balazs Horvathy, Member States' Interests and the Common Commercial Policy.- Viktor Szep, Foreign Policy without Unilateral Alternatives? EU Member State Interests and the Imposition of Economic Sanctions.

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