Ottoman-Southeast Asian relations : sources from the Ottoman archives


Ottoman-Southeast Asian relations : sources from the Ottoman archives

by İsmail Hakkı Kadı, A.C.S. Peacock ; with contributions by Giancarlo Casale ... [et al.]

(Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies, section 1 . The Near and Middle East ; v. 133/1-2)

Brill, c2020

  • : set : hardback
  • v. 1 : hardback
  • v. 2 : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Text in English, Turkish, Malay, Arabic, Tausug, Burmese and Thai

Includes bibliographical references and index



Ottoman-Southeast Asian Relations: Sources from the Ottoman Archives, is a product of meticulous study of Ismail Hakki Kadi, A.C.S. Peacock and other contributors on historical documents from the Ottoman archives. The work contains documents in Ottoman-Turkish, Malay, Arabic, French, English, Tausug, Burmese and Thai languages, each introduced by an expert in the language and history of the related country. The work contains documents hitherto unknown to historians as well as others that have been unearthed before but remained confined to the use of limited scholars who had access to the Ottoman archives. The resources published in this study show that the Ottoman Empire was an active actor within the context of Southeast Asian experience with Western colonialism. The fact that the extensive literature on this experience made limited use of Ottoman source materials indicates the crucial importance of this publication for future innovative research in the field. Contributors are: Giancarlo Casale, Annabel Teh Gallop, Rifat Gunalan, Patricia Herbert, Jana Igunma, Midori Kawashima, Abraham Sakili and Michael Talbot


Preface Acknowledgements Signs and Abbreviations Notes on Transliterations, Translations and Spelling List of Contributors Introduction: The Language of Letters Annabel Teh Gallop, A.C.S. Peacock and Ismail Hakki Kadi 1 Documents on 16th Century Ottoman Contacts with Aceh 1 Letter from the Sultan of Aceh Alauddin Kahhar to the Ottoman Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent requesting cooperation against the Portuguese, 2-12 January 1566. Transcribed and translated by Giancarlo Casale 2 Patent for Kurdoglu Hizir's appointment as the commander of the ships and soldiers going to Aceh upon Sultan Alauddin of Aceh's requests for help against the Portuguese attacks on Muslims, 17 September 1567 3 Imperial order to the governor of Egypt about Kurdoglu Hizir's appointment as the commander of the ships and soldiers going to Aceh upon Sultan Alauddin of Aceh's requests for help against the Portuguese attacks on Muslims. 17 September 1567 4 Kurdoglu Hizir's appointment as admiral and commander in accordance with the request for help from Sultan Alauddin of Aceh, 17 September 1567 5 The ambassador of the Sultan of Aceh is allowed to purchase horses, arms, copper, and other goods from Yemen, Jeddah, and Aden, 17 September 1567 6 The Sultan of Aceh requests that carpenters, blacksmiths, caulkers, painters, and other craftsmen be sent with the ambassador, 17 September 1567 7 Any of the Egyptians who, of their own volition, desire to go to Aceh, shall not be impeded, 17 September 1567 8 The ambassador of Aceh should be greeted and escorted to Egypt by the bey of Rhodes, 17 September 1567 9 The Sharif of Mecca should assist the men of the Sultan of Aceh with their travel, 19 September 1567 10 Nobody should interfere with the ambassador of the Sultan of Aceh on his way back, 19 September 1567 11 Letter to the Sultan of Aceh, 19 September 1567 12 The captain who took the Acehnese ambassador away should be supplied with an adequate number of garrison soldiers, 5 October 1567 13 The captains and other personnel sent to the Sultan of Aceh should continue to receive their salaries on their return providing they carry out their mission successfully, 20 November 1567 14 The appointment of the suitable captains from among those sent from Istanbul as captains for the ships to be sent to Aceh, 26 November 1567 15 The deployment of the navy to Aceh is postponed until the suppression of the revolt in Yemen, 15 January 1568 16 The ships and the personnel previously appointed to the expedition to Aceh are this time appointed to the expedition to Yemen, 16 February 1568 17 The transportation of the ambassador of the padishah of Aceh to his land, March 1571 2 Royal Correspondence and Appeals for Help, 1824-1905 1 Documents pertaining to the letter of the Sultan of Kedah, Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Shah requesting aid against the Siamese from the Ottoman government, 1824 2 Documents relating to the Acehnese embassy to Istanbul, 1849-52 3 Documents relating to the request of Raja Ali bin Ja'far, Yang Dipertuan Muda of Riau, to become Ottoman subject, 1856-7 4 Documents relating to the petition of the Sultan of Jambi to the Ottoman Sultan, 1858 and 1902-5 5 Documents relating to the petitions of Sultan Mansur Shah of Aceh for Ottoman protection, 1868-9 6 Documents relating to the letter of the Burmese Prime Minister to the Grand Vizier, 1869 7 Documents relating to the Acehnese mission to the Ottoman court and Ottoman attempt to mediate between Aceh and The Netherlands, 1872-73 8 Documents relating to the letter of Sultan Zainal Abidin of Tembusai and the complaints of Southeast Asian Muslims about their English, Dutch and Siamese overlords during the Frigate Ertugrul's visit to the region, 1889-90 9 Documents relating to the initiatives of Sharif Ali to bring Aceh under Ottoman sovereignty 10 Documents relating to the letter in Malay and Arabic from Sultan Alauddin Muhammad Daud Shah in Kota Keumala, Aceh, requesting aid from the Ottoman consul in Batavia, 1893 11 Documents related to the clandestine letter of the Sultan of Aceh to the Ottoman sultan and the legal position of the Arabs in Indonesia, 1898 12 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about the clandestine visit of the ruler of Pontianak to the Ottoman consulate to express his obedience to the Caliph, 1898 13 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the sultan relating that the ruler of Aceh sent repeated messages requesting help against the Dutch, 1900 14 Dutch embassy in Istanbul to the Foreign Ministry communicating the gratefulness of governor-general of the Dutch East Indies for the medal he received, 1901 15 Letter from Sultan Hashim Jalilul Alam of Brunei to Sultan Abdulhamid, 15 May 1903 16 From the chief secretary of the Sultan to the Grand Vizier about the congratulations of the Raja of Surakata, 1905 3 Royal Visits to Istanbul, 1891-1909 1 Documents relating to the visit of Prince Damrong to Istanbul, 1891 2 Documents relating to the ruler of Johor's visit to Istanbul and the Ottoman embassy in Vienna, 1893 3 Sultan Zainal Abidin of Tembusai's alleged clandestine visit to Istanbul, 1898 4 Documents relating to Sulaiman Khan of Patani's plan to visit Istanbul and the Batavian Hadramis' request for Ottoman protection, 1898 5 Documents related to Siamese medals awarded to Ottoman dignitaries in connection with Prince Damrong's visit to Istanbul, 1894 6 Siamese King Chulalongkorn expresses his gratitude to Ottoman ambassador in Rome for the hospitability shown for prince Damrong during his visit to Istanbul, 1897 7 Documents relating to Siamese Prince Chakrabongse's visit to Istanbul, 1899 8 Documents relating to Siamese medals awarded to Ottoman dignitaries in connection with Prince Chakrabongse's visit to Istanbul, 1901 9 Deputy of the Ottoman consul in Singapore to the Foreign Ministry about the passport given to the ruler of Johor who is planning to visit Europe, 1903 10 Documents relating to Siamese Prince Boworadet's visit to Istanbul, 1909 4 Consuls 1 Correspondence from the Ottoman Ambassador in The Hague, Kostaki Karaca Bey, to the Ottoman Foreign Minister, concerning the establishment of Ottoman consulates in Dutch colonies, 1856 2 Grand Vizier to the sultan giving information about the agreement with the Dutch for the establishment of Ottoman consulates in the Dutch Indies, 1857 3 Ottoman ambassador in London to the Foreign Ministry requesting the appointment of Sayyid Abdullah bin Amr al-Junaid as the Ottoman consul in Singapore, 1864 4 Request of a Dutchman called Hymans for his appointment as the Ottoman consul in Semarang, 1865 5 Brother of the deceased Ottoman consul in Singapore, Junaid bin Amr al-Junaid, to the sultan communicating the death of his brother and giving information about the number of Ottoman ships visiting Singapore, 1866 6 Teuku Muhammad Arifi[n] to the sultan giving a short description of his dynastic background and requesting his appointment as the Ottoman consul in Singapore, 1871 7 Grand Vizier to the sultan introducing the note of the Foreign Ministry for the appointment of an honorary consul to Batavia, and the Sultan's response, 1882 8 Grand Vizier to the Sultan requesting the appointment of Sayyid Junaid as the honorary Ottoman consul in Singapore in place of his deceased brother, 1882 9 Note to the Foreign Minister for the appointment of Galib Bey as the Ottoman Consul General in Batavia, 1883 10 Foreign Ministry to the Grand Vizierate requesting the payment of the rent of the Consulate General in Batavia, 1883 11 Grand Vizier to the Sultan requesting a medal for Galib Bey, Ottoman Consul General in Batavia, 1883 12 Report of the department of consultation on Lord Salisbury's proposal for the establishment of an Ottoman consul in Singapore, 1886 13 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier about the appointment of Ismail Bey to the Consulate General in Batavia along with other appointments, 1886 14 Ottoman embassy in Stockholm to the Foreign Ministry requesting a medal for the French Consul General in Batavia for administering the affairs of the Ottoman consulate during the absence of the Ottoman consul, 1886 15 Note to the Foreign Minister about the amount of the per diem to be paid to the Consul General in Batavia on his departure, 1886 16 Emir of Mecca and the governor of Hijaz advise the Sublime Porte to send someone to the ruler of Sulu to establish contact, 1899 17 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier requesting the appointment of Sadik Belig Bey to the Consulate General in Batavia, 1900 18 Decision to appoint Haci Ataullah Ahmed Efendi as the Ottoman consul to Singapore and Sayyid Hamid Efendi as his honorary chancellor, 1901 19 Haci Ataullah Ahmed Efendi to the Ministry of Education requesting a medal before departing for his mission, 1901 20 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier requesting the payment of the per diem of Haci Ataullah Ahmed Efendi departing for his mission as the deputy Consul General to Singapore, 1901 21 Ibrahim, ruler of Johor, to the sultan announcing the death of Ottoman Consul General in Singapore, 1903 22 Order of the Sultan for the replacement of Sadik Belig Efendi, the Consul General in Batavia, with a religious person, 1903 23 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier proposing the appointment of Kamil Bey to the Consulate General Singapore along with other appointments, 1904 24 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier requesting the payment of the perdiem of Kamil Bey, the newly appointed Consul General in Singapore, 1904 25 Documents pertaining to a letter from an individual in Java to the Sultan requesting the appointment of a diplomat for their protection, 1910 26 The appointment of Necib Haci Efendi to the consulate in Manila, 1910 27 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier requesting permission for the acceptance of the medal awarded by the Romanian government to Re'fet Bey, Ottoman consul in Batavia, 1911 28 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier about the appointment of Medeni Molla Ahmed Daud Efendi to the consulate in Rangoon, 1913 29 Ottoman Foreign Ministry thanks German Consul General in Singapore for protecting the Ottoman subjects during the absence of an Ottoman consul, 1914 30 Ottoman charge d'affaires at The Hague to the Foreign Minister about his initiatives to preserve the confidentiality of the correspondence between the Consulate General in Batavia and the Foreign Ministry, 1915 31 Consul General in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about the importance of his consulate with regard to informing the Muslims of the region about the ongoing war, 1915 32 Ottoman ambassador at The Hague to the Foreign Minister about his initiatives to preserve the confidentiality of the correspondence between the Consulate General in Batavia and the Foreign Ministry, 1915 33 Approval of the request of Re'fet Bey, Consul General in Batavia, to return to Istanbul for medical reasons, 1921 34 Note on the annuity payable to Re'fet Bey, Consul General in Batavia and his deputy who will carry out the business of the consulate during his absence, 1921 35 Admiral Bristol, USA High Commissioner in Turkey, hands over the documents of the Ottoman consulate in Singapore to the Turkish government, 1925 5 Information about the Region 1 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry introducing two books about the region he sent, 1884 2 Documents pertaining to the assistance of Mr De Sturler for the preparation of an booklet on the Dutch East Indies and the Ottoman administration's gratification, 1885 3 Ottoman ambassador in Madrid to the Foreign Ministry about the Spanish troops in Philippines, 1885 4 A report of the Ottoman consul in Bombay about the Dutch East Indies, 1886 5 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry on German military operations in Borneo, 1890 6 Ottoman consul in Batavia to Foreign Ministry giving a summary of a book written in Malay about Aceh's relation to the Ottoman Empire and the Dutch actions against Aceh, 1890 7 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about the earthquake in central Java, 1891 8 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about the importance of Aceh and the relevant policies of the Europeans, 1891 9 Documents pertaining to Franco-Siamese conflict, 1893 10 Documents relating to the developments with regard to the Aceh war, 1896 11 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about the demonstrations of the Chinese against the Dutch in Singapore, 1897 12 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about Snouck Hurgronje's activities to manipulate Muslims, 1897 13 Documents pertaining to the report of the Ottoman consul in Batavia on Islam and the Dutch administration in Indonesia 14 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the sultan on Dutch actions against Teuku Umar, 1898 15 Ottoman ambassador in The Hague to the Foreign Ministry on the deliberations in the Dutch parliament about Islam in Indonesia, 1899 16 Documents relating to Spanish defeat in Philippines, 1898 17 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about the public debate provoked by the Dutch banners that were put on display during the celebrations of the enthronement of the queen, 1898 18 Ottoman ambassador in Berlin to the Foreign Ministry on the rumours about and agreement between Germany and Spain entailing the partition of the colonies, 1899 19 Foreign minister to the Grand Vizier on the defeat of the Dutch in Aceh and the activities of Snouck Hurgronje, 1899 20 Ottoman consul in Batavia to the Foreign Ministry about the revolt of the locals against the Dutch in Banjarmasin, 1899 21 Foreign Minister to the Grand Vizier relating that the Raja of Brandan expelled the Dutch who wanted to build railway in his territories, 1900 22 Documents relating to Dutch response to newspaper articles about Dutch colonial administration in Indonesia, 1900 23 Documents related to the prohibition on the publication of a treatise on the history of Siam, 1900 24 Documents related to a book on Indonesia prepared for the Ottoman Sultan by a civil servant of the Dutch colonial administration, 1901 25 Re

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