Youth and unconventional political engagement


    • Pitti, Ilaria

Bibliographic Information

Youth and unconventional political engagement

Ilaria Pitti

(Palgrave pivot)

Palgrave Macmillan, c2018

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


This book analyses the relationship between youth and participation, looking specifically at those repertories of involvement that are commonly clustered under the concept of "unconventional political participation". The author focuses on the connections between youth practices of participation and youth conditions in contemporary society. Drawing from the analysis of three ethnographic case studies conducted on experiences of youth participation in Italy and Sweden, the circumstances and the reasons leading young people to express their political ideas through forms of engagement located outside the realm of "formal politics" are explored. The book seeks to bring back the specificities of contemporary youth at the centre of the analysis of youth practices of participation, highlighting their often overlooked socio-historical and generational 'situatedness'. Youth and Unconventional Political Engagement will be of interest students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including youth studies, political science, and sociology.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.2. Unconventional Political Participation: An Overview.3. Young People and Unconventional Political Engagement.4. "What do We Want? We Want Everything!": Young Swedish Activists and the "Union of Citizens".5. "If Not Now, When?": Young Italian Activists and the Occupied Social Centre.6. "We Will Never Be What You Want Us to Be": Young Football Fans and the Ultras Centre.7. Unconventional is the New Conventional? Conclusive Reflections.

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