Islamophobia in Muslim majority societies
Islamophobia in Muslim majority societies
(Routledge advances in sociology, 255)
Routledge, 2019
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographies and index
In the last decade, Islamophobia in Western societies, where Muslims constitute the minority, has been studied extensively. However, Islamophobia is not restricted to the geography of the West, but rather constitutes a global phenomenon. It affects Muslim societies just as much, due to various historical, economic, political, cultural and social reasons.
Islamophobia in Muslim Majority Societies constitutes a first attempt to open a debate about the understudied phenomenon of Islamophobia in Muslim majority societies. An interdisciplinary study, it focuses on socio-political and historical aspects of Islamophobia in Muslim majority societies.
This volume will appeal to students, scholars and general readers who are interested in Racism Studies, Islamophobia Studies, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, Islam and Politics.
Chapter 1: Making Sense of Islamophobia in Muslim Societies
Chapter 2: 'Religion-Building' and Foreign Policy
Chapter 3: Islamophobia in the Contemporary Albanian Public Discourse
Chapter 4: Post-Coloniality, Islamization and Secular Elites: Tracing Islamophobia in Pakistan
Chapter 5: The Politics of Islamophobia in Turkey
Chapter 6: Islamophobia in Satirical Magazines: A Comparative Case Study of Penguen in Turkey and Charlie Hebdo in France
Chapter 7: Paradoxical Islamophobia and Post-Colonial Cultural Nationalism in Post-Revolutionary Egypt
Chapter 8: Old Wine In New Bottles: Secularism and Islamophobia in Egypt
Chapter 9: Internalized Islamophobia: The Making of Islam in the Egyptian Media
Chapter 10: The Confluence of Race and Religion in Understanding Islamophobia in Malaysia
Chapter 11: Securitization of Islam in Contemporary Ethiopia
Chapter 12: Islamophobia from Within: A Case Study on Australian Muslim Women
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