Responsible organizations in the global context : current challenges and forward-thinking perspectives


Responsible organizations in the global context : current challenges and forward-thinking perspectives

Annie Bartoli, Jose-Luis Guerrero, Philippe Hermel, editors ; foreword by Andrew M. Pettigrew

Palgrave Macmillan, c2019


Includes bibliographical references and index



This book aims to spur critical thought on the various dimensions and impacts of "responsibility" for organizations, including companies, institutions, and governments, while considering international differences and similarities, as well as global challenges. It analyzes to what extent responsibility is becoming a crucial issue for all kinds of organizations, examining both the intensifying pressures of international competition and the growing crisis of confidence towards some management concepts and practices. As more and more socio-economic and political systems are suspected of serving selfish interests instead of the public good, more accountable and integrated processes are appropriate in order to deal with the present and future stakes of our society. Further, with the development of digital technology and the use of data mining, new questions regarding responsibility require examination. This edited collection is a culmination of the international scientific conference "Responsible Organizations in the Global Context", co-organized by the CIED of Georgetown University (United States) and the Larequoi Research Center of the University of Versailles St-Quentin (France) in June 2017 in Washington DC. It will contribute to research and actions in the areas of social responsibility, business ethics, organizational excellence, sustainability, and cross-cultural management.


Chapter 1: Introduction: What does Responsibility Mean to Organizations in the Current Global Context? Annie Bartoli, Jose-Luis Guerrero, and Philippe Hermel Part 1 Ethics and Human Resources Management as Key Parts of Organizational Responsibility Chapter 2: The Ethical and Responsible Organization -- Organizational Due Process, Employee Voice, and Procedural Justice in Human Resource Management Douglas M. McCabe Chapter 3: Continual Improvement Concepts Applied to Organizational Responsibility Holly Duckworth Chapter 4: CSR, Employee Commitment and Survival during Crisis period: The Case of Tunisia Menel Ben Mlouka and Rafla Hefaiedh Part 2 Communication and Reputation related to Social Responsibility Chapter 5: Classifying Ethics Codes using Natural Language Processing Zachary Glass and E. Susanna Cahn Chapter 6: Because it's worth it? a critical discourse analysis of Diversity: the case of L'Oreal Francois Goxe and Michael Viegas Pires Chapter 7: Aesthetic CSR Communication: A Global Perspective on Organizational Art Collections Angela Bargenda Chapter 8: Making Multinational Corporations aware of their Social Responsibility: Law vs Reputation? Benoit Petit Part 3 Representations and Practices of Responsibility in the European Context Chapter 9: Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe. Discourses and Practices Sofia Imane Bouterfas, Stela Raytcheva and Gilles Rouet Chapter 10: CSR Practices: The Case of Veolia in Three European Countries Jana Marasova, Anna Vallusova, Elka Slavcheva Vasileva, and Delphine Philip de Saint Julien Chapter 11: Social Costs of Non-Responsible Research Sylvie Faucheux, Caroline Gans Combe, Catherine Kuszla, and Martin O' Connor: Part 4 New Forms of Responsibility to Address Societal Challenges Chapter 12: Social networks and professional communities: A Fair Governance? Christophe Assens and Jean-Pierre Bouchez Chapter 13: Corporate Social Responsibility in times of Internet (In)security Anna Tarabasz Chapter 14: Integration and Coordination of Care and Social Services as a Responsible Way of Handling Psychiatric Disability Annie Bartoli, Christelle Perrin and Jihane Sebai Chapter 15 Post face and conclusion Current Challenges and Forward- Thinking Perspectives on Responsibility in Organizations Mile Terziovski

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