Longman companion to Imperial Russia, 1689-1917


Longman companion to Imperial Russia, 1689-1917

David Longley

(Longman companions to history)

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014

  • : hbk


Originally published: Pearson Education, 2000

Includes bibliographical references and index



This is the first book of its kind to draw together information on the major events in Russian history from 1695 to 1917 - covering the eventful period from the accession of Peter the Great to the fall of Nicholas II. Not only is a vast amount of material on key events and topics brought together, but the book also contains fascinating background material to convey the reality of life in the period.


  • Contents Preface List of Abbreviations List of Maps SECTION ONE: lntemaJ Politics 1.1 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL 1.1.1 The Romanov Dynasty, 1613- 1917 28 1.1.2 The Table of Ranks 29 1.1.3 Chairmen of the Committee of Ministers 31 1.1.4 Chairmen of the Council of Ministers 31 1.1.5 Ministers of the Interior 31 1.1.6 Ministers of J ustice 32 l.l. 7 Ministers of Posts and Telegraph 32 1.1.8 Ministers of Police 33 1.1.9 Directors of the Third Department 33 1.2 THE ARMED FORCES 1.2.1 Presidents of the War College 1.2.2 Ministers of War 1.2.3 Naval Ministers 1.3 SOCIAL U:-.~REST AND REVOLUTION 1.3.1 The Revolutionary and Labour Movement:
  • 1.3.2 The Democratic Movement 1.3.3 The Revolution of 1905-7 1.3.4 The Revolution of February 1917 SECTION TWO: SociaJ, Economic and CulturaJ Developments 2.1 RELIGION AND THE CHURCH 2.1.1 Procurators of the Holy Synod 2.2 EDUCATION 92 2.2.1 Min isters of Education 103 2.3 FINANCE, INDUSTRY, TRADE AN D THE BouRGEOISIE 104 2.3.1 Ministers of Finance 114 2.3.2 Minister of Commerce ll4 2.3.3 Ministe rs of Trad e and Industry 114 2.3.4 Managers-in-Chief of T ra nsport and Public Buildings 115 2.3.5 Ministers of Transpor t 115 2.3.6 State Con trollers 115 2.4 St:RFDOM, THE PEASANTRY AND AGRICULTURE 116 2.4.1 Ministers of the Im pe rial Court an d Properties 124 2.4.2 H ead of the Fifth Section of H is Majesty's Own Chancery 124 2.4.3 Min isters of State Domain s 125 2.4.4 Minister of Agriculture and State Domains 125 ~.4.5 Ministers of Agriculture 125 2.5 CULTURE 126 SECTION THREE: Nationalities 165 3.1 THt: BALTIC STATES 167 3.2 POLAND 170 3.2.1 Viceroys of Poland 182 3.3 NEw RussiA, SouTH RussiA AND U KRAINE 183 3.4 FINLAND 189 3.4.1 Governors-Gen eral of Finland 191 3.5 THE J EWS 193 3.6 THE CAUCASUS 198 3.6.1 Commanders-in-chief and Viceroys in the Caucasus 204 3.7 RussiA IN ASIA 206 3.8 RUSS IAN AMERICA 208 CONTENTS vii SECTION FOUR: Foreign Policy and War 211 4.1 F OREIGN P O LICY OUTLINE 4.1.1 Ministers of Foreign Affairs 4.2 R USS IA AND THE B ALTIC 4.2.1 Treaties 4.3 R usSIA AND THE O TTOMAN E(v!PIRE 4.3.1 Treaties 4.4 R t
  • SSIA AND THE CENTRAL P OWERS 4.4.1 Treaties 4.5 R usSIA AND WESTERN E u ROP E 4.5.1 Treaties 4.6 R USSI A AND ASI A 4.6.1 Treaties 4.7 R uSSIA AND THE CRI MEAN WAR 4. 7.1 Treaties 4.8 R ussi A AND THE F IRST WoRLD WAR 4.8.1 Treaties SECTION FIVE: Glossary SECTION SIX: Biographies SECTION S EVEN: Appendices 7.1 THE R USS IAN A LPHABET, WITH ACCEPTED T RANSLITERATION AND GurnE TO PRONUNCIATION 7.2 j ULIAN AND G RF.CORIAN CALEN DARS 7.3 R ussi AN NAMES SECTION EIGHT: Guide to Furthe r Reading SECTION NI NE: Placenames Index

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