Plurilingual pedagogies : critical and creative endeavors for equitable language in education


Plurilingual pedagogies : critical and creative endeavors for equitable language in education

Sunny Man Chu Lau, Saskia Van Viegen, editors

(Educational linguistics, v. 42)

Springer, c2020

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references


  • Plurilingual pedagogies : an introduction / Sunny Man Chu Lau and Saskia Van Viegen
  • Mise en écho des perspectives en plurilingual competence and pluralistic pedagogies : a conversation with Danièle Moore / Danièle Moore, Sunny Man Chu Lau, and Saskia Van Viegen
  • 'It takes a village to research a village' : conversations between Angel Lin and Jay Lemke on contemporary issues in translanguaging / Angel M. Y. Lin, Yanming (Amy) Wu, and Jay L. Lemke
  • "Walking in two worlds" in the plurilingual classroom : learning from the case of an intergenerational project / Avril Aitken and Loretta Robinson
  • A critical thematic unit in a teaching praxicum : health issues and plurilingualism in the "English" classroom / Mario E. López Gopar, William M. Sughrua, Lorena Córdova-Hernández, Beatriz Patricia López Torres, Elvira Ruiz Aldaz, and Victor Vásquez Morales
  • Translanguaging for critical bi-literacy : English and French teachers' collaboration in transgressive pedagogy / Sunny Man Chu Lau
  • Dialogue/response : response to plurilingual engagements for critical literacy / Kelleen Toohey
  • Pluralistic approaches in early language education : shifting paradigms in language didactics / Daniela Coelho and Yecid Ortega
  • Remaking the ground on which they stand : plurilingual approaches across the curriculum / Saskia Van Viegen
  • Translingual writers as mentors in a high school "English" classroom / Kate Seltzer
  • Dialogue/response : engaging translanguaging pedagogies in language classrooms / Jim Cummins
  • Faculty first : promoting translanguaging in TESOL teacher education / Zhongfeng Tian
  • Plurilingualism and TESOL in two Canadian post-secondary institutions : towards context-specific perspectives / Angelica Galante
  • Applying plurilingual pedagogy in first-year Canadian higher education : from generic to scientific academic literacy / Steve Marshall
  • Dialogue/response : engaging translanguaging pedagogies in higher education / Li Wei
  • The dynamic nature of plurilingualism : creating and validating CEFR descriptors for mediation, plurilingualism and pluricultural competence / Enrica Piccardo and Brian North
  • Promoting and problematizing multi/plural approaches in language pedagogy / Ryuoko Kubota
  • Philosophy, principle and practice '3Ps' to implement plurilingual pedagogies / Saskia Van Viegen and Sunny Man Chu Lau



This book critically engages with theoretical shifts marked by the 'multilingual turn' in applied linguistics, and articulates the complexities associated with naming and engaging with the everyday language practices of bi/multilingual communities. It discusses methodological approaches that enable researchers and educators to observe and interact with these communities and to understand their teaching and learning needs. It also highlights pedagogical approaches and instructional strategies involved with learning and teaching language and/or content curriculum to students across various learning and educational contexts. The book addresses recent debates on the multi/plural turn in applied linguistics and articulates the limitations of these debates - particularly the absence of discussion of social power relations and contexts in applying different theoretical lenses. It features empirical research from primarily North American classrooms to highlight how plurilingual pedagogies take shape in unique educational contexts, resisting monolingual approaches to language in education. Furthermore, it includes commentary/response pieces from established scholars in dialogue with recent plurilingual research in the field, to put the work in critical perspective within extant theories and literature.


  • Part I: Conceptual Shifts in Language Teaching and Learning.- Plurilingual pedagogies: An Introduction
  • Sunny Man Chu Lau and Saskia Van Viegen.- Mise en Echo des Perspectives on Plurilingual Competence and Pluralistic Pedagogies: A Conversation with Daniele Moore
  • Daniele Moore, Sunny Man Chu Lau and Saskia Van Viegen.- 'It Takes a Village to Research a Village': Conversations between Angel Lin and Jay Lemke on Contemporary Issues in Translanguaging
  • Angel M. Y. Lin, Yanming Amy Wu & Jay L. Lemke.- "Walking in Two Worlds" in the Plurilingual Classroom: Learning from the Case of an Intergenerational Project
  • Avril Aitken and Loretta Robinson.- A Critical Thematic Unit in a Teaching Praxicum: Health Issues and Plurilingualism in the "English" Classroom
  • Mario E. Lopez Gopar, William M. Sughrua, Lorena Cordova-Hernandez, Beatriz Patricia Lopez Torres, Elvira Ruiz Aldaz, & Victor Vasquez Morales.- Translanguaging for Critical Bi-Literacy: English and French Teachers' Collaboration in Transgressive Pedagogy
  • Sunny Man Chu Lau.- Part II: Commentary - Engaging Plurilingualism for Critical Literacy
  • Kelleen Toohey.- Pluralistic Approaches in Early Language Education: Shifting Paradigms in Language Didactics
  • Daniela Coelho & Yecid Ortega.- Remaking the Ground on Which They Stand: Plurilingual Approaches across the Curriculum
  • Saskia Van Viegen.- Translingual Writers as Mentors in a High School "English" Classroom
  • Kate Seltzer.- Part III: Commentary -- Engaging Translanguaging Pedagogies in Language and Literacy Classrooms
  • Jim Cummins.- Faculty First: Promoting Translanguaging in TESOL Teacher Education
  • Zhongfeng Tian.- Plurilingualism and TESOL in Two Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions: Towards Context-Specific Perspectives
  • Angelica Galante.- Applying Plurilingual Pedagogy in First-Year Canadian Higher Education
  • Steve Marshall.- Part IV: Commentary- Engaging Translanguaging Pedagogies in Higher Education
  • Li Wei.- The Dynamic Nature of Plurilingualism: Creating and Validating CEFR Descriptors for Mediation, Plurilingualism and Pluricultural Competence
  • Enrica Piccardo and Brian North.- Promoting and Problematizing Multi/Plural Approaches in Language Pedagogy
  • Ryuko Kubota.- Philosophy, Principle and Practice - '3Ps' to Implement Plurilingual Pedagogies
  • Saskia Van Viegen and Sunny Man Chu Lau

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