Implementing classwide PBIS : a guide to supporting teachers



Implementing classwide PBIS : a guide to supporting teachers

Diane Myers, Brandi Simonsen, Jennifer Freeman

(The Guilford practical intervention in the schools series)

The Guilford Press, c2020

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 139-142) and index



*Follow-up to the authors' highly successful teacher guide, Classwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (9781462519439). *Meets high demand for a "train the trainers" resource--readers and workshop attendees have asked for this work. *Empirically based: the same principles used to support student learning are applied to helping teachers of all grade levels to implement CWPBIS effectively. *Experienced, respected authors are prominent in the PBIS community and maintain an active workshop schedule.


I. Supporting Teachers' Implementation of CWPBIS: Foundations and Basic Principles 1. Foundations of CWPBIS 2. Behavioral Principles That Impact Adult Behavior Changes 3. Overview of Implementation Supports for Teachers II. Empirically Supported Strategies to Support Teachers' CWPBIS Implementation 4. A Road Map to Building Systems of Support for Teachers 5. Designing Effective Training Activities for CWPBIS 6. Coaching to Support Teachers' Implementation of CWPBIS III. Data-Based Decision Making to Support Teachers' CWPBIS Implementation 7. Data Collection Systems and Performance Feedback 8. Differentiated Supports for Teachers

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