The encyclopaedia of Islam, three


The encyclopaedia of Islam, three

edited by Kate Fleet ... [et al.]

Brill, 2020

[3rd ed.]

  • 2020-5


EI, three

Encyclopaedia of Islam, three


Includes bibliographical references



The Third Edition of Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam appears in substantial segments each year, both online and in print. The new scope includes comprehensive coverage of Islam in the twentieth century and of Muslim minorities all over the world. This Part 2020-5 of the Third Edition of Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam will contain 45 new articles, reflecting the great diversity of current scholarship in the fields of Islamic Studies.


al-Azd Bakr b. Wa'il Dayfa Khatun Edirne art and architecture Eschatology Evil eye Gaykhatu b. Abaqa Ghulam, Mirza Govardhan Hagiography in Central Asia Halima bt. Abi Dhu'ayb Ibn Durustawayh Ibn al-Itnaba al-Khazraji Ibn Khalil al-Qaysi Illumination Imaret Jacob Junaydis Ka'b b. Malik Kalb b. Wabara Kedah Khayrkhvah-i Harati Khushqadam, al-Malik al-Zahir Kitab al-Jilwa Kufra Last Judgment al-Lawati, Abu Muhammad 'Abdallah Libya until 1500 Lote Tree Mahdi Khan Astarabadi Mahomed, Dean Mahsud al-Mallawi, Ahmad al-Mansur b. Abi 'Amir Mappilas Michael Mi'rajnama Mirdas b. Udayya Mishafa Rash Misrata since 1551 al-Mutanabbi al-Nabigha al-Shaybani Nafisa, al-Sayyida Nanak Tuareg rebellions

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