Urban displacements : governing surplus and survival in global capitalism


Urban displacements : governing surplus and survival in global capitalism

Susanne Soederberg

(RIPE series in global political economy)

Routledge, 2021

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



Pushes forward interdisciplinary political economy analysis through an interrogation of contemporary housing issues. Provides the first systematic analysis of low-income rental housing, which is increasingly becoming the prevalent form of tenure. Through its analytical and empirical contributions, the book opens a new window on the dynamics of urban poverty.


Displacements - An Introduction Part I: Framing Displacements 1. Disrupting the Housing Crisis 2. Renewing the Housing Question Part II: Regional Displacements 3. Displacements in the European Union Part III: Urban Displacements Prefacing Berlin 4. Stigmatizing Survival 5. Displaced Survival in Neukoelln 6. Interrupting the Refugee Crisis Prefacing Vienna 7. Politicizing a Prototype 8. Displaced Survival in a Housing Model Prefacing Dublin 9. Decentring a Homelessness Crisis Displacements - A Conclusion

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