Translation and transmigration
Translation and transmigration
(New perspectives in translation studies)
Routledge, 2021
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Summary: "In our globalized and transcultural world it has become more common than ever to live among different languages, to cross geographical and cultural borders frequently, to negotiate between multiple spaces and loyalties: from global businessmen to guest workers, from tourists to refugees. In this book, Siri Nergaard examines translation as a personal, intimate experience of a subject living in and among different languages and cultures and sees living in translation as a socio-psychological condition of transmigrancy with strong implications on emotions and behaviour. Adopting a wide transdisciplinary approach, drawing on theories in psychology, anthropology, cultural studies, semiotics and philosophy, the author investigates the situations of translation affecting individuals, and in particular migrants. With examples from documentaries, photographs, exhibitions, and testimonies, Nergaard also analyzes how migrants get translated in political discourse and in official documents..."
Includes bibliographical references and index
- Figures of the Migrant
- Hospitality
- Borders
- Migration experiences in Europe
- Translating the Self
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