The memoirs of Sir James Melvil of Halhill : containing an impartial account of the moſt remarkable affairs of state during the sixteenth century, not mentioned by other hiſtorians : more particularly relating to the kingdoms of England and Scotland, under the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Mary, Queen of Scots, and King James : in moſt of which transactions the author was perſonally and publickly concerned


The memoirs of Sir James Melvil of Halhill : containing an impartial account of the moſt remarkable affairs of state during the sixteenth century, not mentioned by other hiſtorians : more particularly relating to the kingdoms of England and Scotland, under the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Mary, Queen of Scots, and King James : in moſt of which transactions the author was perſonally and publickly concerned

publiſhed from the original manuſcript, by George Scott

Printed for D. Wilson, at Plato's Head in the Strand, 1752

3rd ed. correƈted


Memoirs of Melvil



Signatures: A[8] (A8+π[2]), B-Z[8], 2B-2F[8], 2G[5] (2G[5] blank)

References: ESTC T124824

Includes index
