Agent-based models of polarization and ethnocentrism
Bibliographic Information
Agent-based models of polarization and ethnocentrism
(Cambridge elements, . Elements in quantitative and computational methods for the social sciences / edited by R. Michael Alvarez,
Cambridge University Press, 2020
- : pbk
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Quantative and computational methods for the social sciences
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Description and Table of Contents
Building on the Cambridge Element Agent Based Models of Social Life: Fundamentals (Cambridge, 2020), we move on to the next level. We do this by building agent based models of polarization and ethnocentrism. In the process, we develop: stochastic models, which add a crucial element of uncertainty to human interaction; models of human interactions structured by social networks; and 'evolutionary' models in which agents using more effective decision rules are more likely to survive and prosper than others. The aim is to leave readers with an effective toolkit for building, running and analyzing agent based modes of social interaction.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Evolution of polarized public opinion
- 3. Evolution of public opinion on a network
- 4. Evolution of public opinion with cross-cutting cleavages
- 5. Ethnocentrism.
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