Sustainability outreach in developing countries
Sustainability outreach in developing countries
Springer, c2021 [i.e. 2020]
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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"Research and education promotion association"--Cover
Includes bibliographical references
This book presents a comprehensive collection of recent research on the timely topic of sustainable development goals, with a focus on developing countries. In this manner, it furnishes interdisciplinary coverage in terms of sustainable development; it sets forth the pillars of sustainability (environmental, technical and technological, social, institutional, and economic disciplines); and it explores the adaption of these pillars for long-term sustainability.
With its survey of transboundary research, experiences, and lessons learned, the book offers integrated conceptual and empirical contributions from diverse interrelated fields. Viable options are set forth for societies in transition in the twenty-first century to achieve well-being in the lives of their people through the eradication of poverty, mitigation of climate change, promotion of lifelong learning opportunities, and empowerment of society. These options also make it possible to deploy affordable energy, sustain economic growth, offer innovation, reduce inequality, and finally, to help ensure global sustainability.
1. Catastrophe of climate change and fundamental solutions a recent outlook
2. Global agendas for climate change mitigation in the 21st century
3. Environmental global urgency and obstacles in the past five decades
4. Environmental economics and trade principles within sustainability requirements
5. Environmental management principles an empiric framework
6. Environmental politics games and proposed encounter-measures
7. Environmental pollution segments
8. A review of air pollution resources, measures, indicators, and assessment
9. A review of water pollution resources, measures, indicators, and assessment
10. A review of soil pollution resources, measures, indicators, and assessment
11. An interrelated framework for environmental quality assessment: tools, techniques, and indicators
12. Pollution solution mechanism and barriers an exhaustive literature review
13. Climate change mitigation approaches using imperative analysis methodology
14. Contribution of RE technologies to meet energy poverty and cope with air pollution
15. A critical review on the impact of IoT on climate change and urban greening
16. Deployment of IoT as a preservation tool for energy consumption and carbon emission
17. A review of climate change impact on water resources in the past decade
18. An editorial add up on abbreviations, terms, definitions, summary, and closure remark
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