Rising powers in international conflict management : converging and contesting approaches


    • Parlar Dal, Emel


Rising powers in international conflict management : converging and contesting approaches

edited by Emel Parlar Dal

(Thirdworlds / edited by Shahid Qadir)

Routledge, 2020

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



Rising Powers in International Conflict Management locates rising powers in the international conflict management tableau and decrypts their main motives and limitations in the enactment of their peacebuilding role. The book sheds light on commonalities and divergences in a selected group of rising powers' (namely Brazil, India, China, and Turkey) understanding and applications of conflict management and explains the priorities in their conflict management strategies from conceptual/theoretical and empirical aspects. The case studies point to the evolving nature of conflict management policies of rising powers as a result of their changing priorities in foreign and security policy and the shifts observed in the international order since the end of the Cold War. The country-specific perspectives provided in this study have also proven right the potentialities of rising powers in managing conflicts, as well as their past and ongoing challenges in envisaging crises in both their own regions and extra-regional territories. Improving the understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of rising powers as conflict management actors and peacebuilders at regional and international levels, Rising Powers in International Conflict Management will be of great interest to scholars of international relations, conflict studies, and peacebuilding. The chapters were originally published as a special issue of Third World Quarterly.


Introduction: Rising powers in international conflict management: an introduction Emel Parlar Dal 1.Reluctant powers? Rising powers' contributions to regional crisis management Sandra Destradi 2. Rising powers and the global nuclear order: a structural study of India's integration Harsh V. Pant and Arka Biswas 3. China's role in the regional and international management of Korean conflict: an arbiter or catalyst? Hakan Mehmetcik and Ferit Belder 4. Interests or ideas? Explaining Brazil's surge in peacekeeping and peacebuilding Charles T. Call 5. Assessing Turkey's changing conflict management role after the Cold War: actorness, approaches and tools Emel Parlar Dal 6. Rising powers and the horn of Africa: conflicting regionalisms Abigail Kabandula and Timothy M. Shaw 7. Pragmatic eclecticism, neoclassical realism and post-structuralism: reconsidering the African response to the Libyan crisis of 2011 Linnea Gelot and Martin Welz

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