Attached to dispossession : sacrificial narratives in post-imperial Europe


Attached to dispossession : sacrificial narratives in post-imperial Europe

by Vladimir Biti

(Balkan studies library, v. 21)

Brill, c2018

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. [277]-296) and index



After the First World War, East Central Europe underwent an extensive geopolitical reconfiguration, resulting in highly turbulent environments in which political sacrificial narratives found a breeding ground. They engaged various groups' experiences of dispossession, energizing them for the wars against their 'perpetrators'. By knitting together their frustrations and thus creating new foundational myths, these narratives introduced new imagined communities. Their mutual competition established a typically post-imperial traumatic constellation that generated discontent, frustrations and anxieties. Within the various constituencies that structured it through their interaction, this book focuses on literary narratives of dispossession, which, placed at its nodes, develop much subtler technologies than their political counterparts. They are interpreted as individual and clandestine oppositions to the homogenizing pattern of public narratives.


Acknowledgements Introduction 1 Ruling (Out) the Province and Its Consequences: Sovereignty, Dispossession, and Sacrificial Violence in the Early Work of Milos Crnjanski and Miroslav Krleza 2 Disciplining the Wild(wo)men: Borisav Stankovic's Not Wannabe Bride and Janko Polic Kamov's Wannabe Artist 3 A Rebellion on the Knees: Miroslav Krleza and the Croatian Narrative of Dispossession 4 The Carnival's Victims: Milos Crnjanski's The Mask and Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Arabella 5 Exempt from Belonging: Ivo Andric, Karl Kraus, and Post-imperial Trauma 6 The Dis/location of Solitude: The Dispossession of the Paternal Protection in Joseph Roth's The Radetzky March and Radomir Konstantinovic's Descartes' Death 7 The Politics of Remembrance: Walter Benjamin's Berlin Childhood around 1900 and Miroslav Krleza's A Childhood in Agram in 1902-1903 Works Cited 277 Index

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