Lay readings of the Bible in early modern Europe
Lay readings of the Bible in early modern Europe
(Intersections : yearbook for early modern studies, v. 68)
Brill, c2020
- : hardback
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Includes bibliographical references and index
The aim of this collection of essays is to bring together new comparative research studies on the place and role of the Bible in early modern Europe. It focuses on lay readings of the Bible, interrogating established historical, social, and confessional paradigms. It highlights the ongoing process of negotiation between the faithful congregation and ecclesiastical institutions, in both Protestant and Catholic countries. It shows how, even in the latter, where biblical translations were eventually forbidden, the laity drew upon the Bible as a source of ethical, cultural, and spiritual inspiration, contributing to the evolution of central aspects of modernity. Interpreting the Bible could indeed be a means of feeding critical perspectives and independent thought and behavior.
Contributors: Erminia Ardissino, Xavier Bisaro, Elise Boillet, Gordon Campbell, Jean-Pierre Cavaille, Sabrina Corbellini, Francois Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, Max Engammare, Wim Francois, Ignacio J. Garcia Pinilla, Stefano Gattei, Margriet Hoogvliet, Tadhg O hAnnrachain, and Concetta Pennuto.
Notes on the Editors
Notes on the Contributors
Lay Readings of the Bible in Early Modern Europe: Introduction
Erminia Ardissino and Elise Boillet
PART 1: The Bible in the European History: a Constant Exposition and an Essential Reference
1 Fides ex auditu: Hearing and Reading the Bible
Gordon Campbell
2 Under the Sign of Jonah: the Bible in Early Modern Europe
Francois Dupuigrenet Desroussilles
3 Some Irreligious Uses of the Bible in the Early Modern Period
Jean-Pierre Cavaille
PART 2: To Read or Not to Read the Bible: Instructions and Prohibitions about Lay Readings of the Bible in Early Modern Europe
4 The Debate Surrounding Lay Bible Reading in Spain in the Sixteenth Century
Ignacio J. Garcia Pinilla
5 Lay Debates about the Sacrality of the Bible in Sixteenth-Century Geneva
Max Engammare
6 The Bible and the Early Modern Catholic Tradition: from Rome to the Margins of Europe
Tadhg O hAnnrachain
PART 3: Lay Readings of the Bible in Early Modern Europe: a Plurality of Books, Uses, and Interpretations
7 Reading the Gospels in the Life and Passion of Christ in French (ca. 1400-ca. 1550)
Margriet Hoogvliet
8 For Early Modern Printed Biblical Literature in Italian: Lay Authorship and Readership
Elise Boillet
9 Bible Production and Bible Readers in the Age of Confessionalisation: the Case of the Low Countries
Wim Francois
10 The Other Psalm Singing: Biblical Training in the Catholic Petites Ecoles during the Late Renaissance
Xavier Bisaro
PART 4: Lay Readings of the Bible in Early Modern Europe: the Formation of Social and Professional Identities
11 Francisco Valles' De Sacra Philosophia: a Medical Reading of the Bible
Concetta Pennuto
12 The Finger and the Tongue of God: Johannes Kepler, Reformation Theology, and the New Astronomy
Stefano Gattei
13 Women Interpreting Genesis in Early Modern Italy: Arguments Supporting Gender Equality
Erminia Ardissino
PART 5: Afterword
14 Afterword: the Bible and the Laity in Long-Term Perspective
Sabrina Corbellini
Index Nominum
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