Translation in russian contexts
Translation in russian contexts
(Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies)
Routledge, 2018
- : pbk.
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Includes bibliograhical references and index
This volume represents the first large-scale effort to address topics of translation in Russian contexts across the disciplinary boundaries of Slavic Studies and Translation Studies, thus opening up new perspectives for both fields. Leading scholars from Eastern and Western Europe offer a comprehensive overview of Russian translation history examining a variety of domains, including literature, philosophy and religion. Divided into three parts, this book highlights Russian contributions to translation theory and demonstrates how theoretical perspectives developed within the field help conceptualize relevant problems in cultural context in pre-Soviet, Soviet, and post-Soviet Russia. This transdisciplinary volume is a valuable addition to an under-researched area of translation studies and will appeal to a broad audience of scholars and students across the fields of Translation Studies, Slavic Studies, and Russian and Soviet history.
Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at
Introduction: The Double Context of Translation
Brian James Baer and Susanna Witt
PART I. Pre-Soviet Contexts
1. Translation Strategies in Medieval Hagiography: Observations on the Slavic Reception of the Byzantine Vita of Saint Onuphrius
Karine Akerman-Sarkisian
2. Metatext Verbalization in Early and Modern Russian Translations
Tatiana Pentkovskaya and Anastasia Urzha
3. "The Mother of all the Sciences and Arts": Academic Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Russia as Cultural Transfer
Kare Johan Mjor
4. Translation as Appropriation: The Russian Operatic Repertoire in the Eighteenth Century
Anna Giust
5. Eighteenth- Century Russian Women Translators in the History of Russian Women's Writing
Olga Demidova
6. Expressing the Other, Translating the Self: Ivan Kozlov's Translation Genres
Yulia Tikhomirova
7. Charles Dickens in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Literary Reputation and Transformations of Style
Marina Kostionova
8. Translation as Experiment: Ivan Aksenov's Pan Tadeusz (1916)
Lars Kleberg
PART II. Soviet Contexts
9. Translation and Transnationalism: Non-European Writers and Soviet Power in the 1920s and 1930s
Katerina Clark
10. Hemingway's Transformations in Soviet Russia: On the Translation of For Whom the Bell Tolls by Natalia Volzhina and Evgeniia Kalashnikova
Ekaterina Kuznetsova
11. Soviet "Folklore" as a Translation Project: The Case of Tvorchestvo narodov SSSR
Elena Zemskova
12. Western Monsters - Soviet Pets? Translation and Transculturalism in Soviet Children's Literature
Valerii Viugin
13. "The Good Are Always the Merry": British Children's Literature in Soviet Russia
Alexsandra Borisenko
14. "The Tenth Muse": Reconceptualizing Poetry Translation in the Soviet Era
Maria Khotimsky
15. Translating the Other, Confronting the Self: Soviet Poet Boris Slutskii's Translations of Bertolt Brecht
Katharine Hodgson
PART III. Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Contexts
16. (Re)translation, Ideology and Business: The Fate of Translated Adventure Fiction in Russia before and after 1991
Piet Van Poucke
17. "Adieu, Remember Me": The Hamlet Canon in Post-Soviet Russia
Aleksei Semenenko
18. Poetic Translation and the Canon: the Case of the Russian Auden
Elena Ostrovskaya
19. Literary Translation, Queer Discourses, and Cultural Transformation: Mogutin Translating/Translating Mogutin
Vitaly Chernetsky
20. Battling over the Exception: A Stateless "Russian" Writer and His Translation in Today's Estonia
Daniele Monticelli and Eneken Laanes
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