Household labor economics



Household labor economics

edited by Pierre-André Chiappori, Costas Meghir

(The international library of critical writings in economics / series editor, Mark Blaug, 376)(An Elgar research collection)

Edward Elgar Pub., c2021

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references



This Research Collection surveys the main contribution to labor supply decisions within the family. It covers both theory, from the initial 'unitary' model that postulates that the family behaves as a single decision maker, to modern "collective" approaches that concentrates on differences in preferences and power relationships and empirical applications. Including an original Introduction by the Editors, a special emphasis is placed on dynamic approaches, in particular issues related to intra-household commitment, and on policy implications.


Contents: Introduction Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Costas Meghir x PART I STATIC MODELS OF HOUSEHOLD LABOR SUPPLY A Unitary Models 1. Gary S. Becker (1965), 'A Theory of the Allocation of Time', Economic Journal, 75 (299), September, 493-517 2 2. Reuben Gronau (1973), 'The Intrafamily Allocation of Time: The Value of the Housewives' Time', American Economic Review, 63 (4), September, 634-51 27 3. Orley Ashenfelter and James Heckman (1974), 'The Estimation of Income and Substitution Effects in a Model of Family Labor Supply', Econometrica, 42 (1), January, 73-85 45 4. Jerry Hausman and Paul Ruud (1984), 'Family Labor Supply with Taxes', American Economic Review, 74 (2), May, 242-8 58 B Collective Models: Theory 5. Pierre-Andre Chiappori (1988), 'Rational Household Labor Supply', Econometrica, 56 (1), January, 63-90 66 6. Patricia F. Apps and Ray Rees (1988), 'Taxation and the Household', Journal of Public Economics, 35 (3), April, 355-69 94 7. Pierre-Andre Chiappori (1992), 'Collective Labor Supply and Welfare', Journal of Political Economy, 100 (3), June, 437-67 109 8. Richard Blundell, Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Costas Meghir (2005), 'Collective Labor Supply with Children', Journal of Political Economy, 113 (6), December, 1277-306 140 C Collective Models: Empirical Applications 9. Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Bernard Fortin and Guy Lacroix (2002), 'Marriage Market, Divorce Legislation, and Household Labor Supply', Journal of Political Economy, 110 (1), February, 37-72 171 10. Richard Blundell, Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Thierry Magnac and Costas Meghir (2007), 'Collective Labour Supply: Heterogeneity and Non-Participation', Review of Economic Studies, 74 (2), April, 417-45 207 11. Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Frederic Vermeulen (2012), 'Married with Children: A Collective Labor Supply Model with Detailed Time Use and Intrahousehold Expenditure Information', American Economic Review , 102 (7), December, 3377-405 236 12. Jeremy Lise and Shannon Seitz (2011), 'Consumption Inequality and Intra-Household Allocations', Review of Economic Studies , 78 (1), January, 328-55 265 D Non-Cooperative Models 13. Kai A. Konrad and Kjell Erik Lommerud (1995), 'Family Policy with Non-Cooperative Families', Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 97 (4), December, 581-601 294 14. Kaushik Basu (2006), 'Gender and Say: A Model of Household Behaviour with Endogenously Determined Balance of Power', Economic Journal , 116 (511), April, 558-80 315 PART II EXTENSIONS: DYNAMICS, UNCERTAINTY, WELFARE A Dynamics and Uncertainty in a Unitary Framework 15. James J. Heckman and Thomas E. Macurdy (1980), 'A Life Cycle Model of Female Labour Supply', Review of Economic Studies , 47 (1), January, 47-74 339 16. Joseph G. Altonji (1986), 'Intertemporal Substitution in Labor Supply: Evidence from Micro Data', Journal of Political Economy , 94 (3), June, S176-215 367 17. Richard Blundell and Ian Walker (1986), 'A Life-Cycle Consistent Empirical Model of Family Labour Supply Using Cross-Section Data', Review of Economic Studies , 53 (4), 539-58 407 18. Richard Blundell, Alan Duncan and Costas Meghir (1998), 'Estimating Labor Supply Responses Using Tax Reforms', Econometrica , 66 (4), July, 827-61 427 B Dynamics and Uncertainty in a Collective Framework 19. Maurizio Mazzocco (2007), 'Household Inter Temporal Behaviour: A Collective Characterization and a Test of Commitment', Review of Economic Studies , 74 (3), July, 857-95 463 20. Alessandra Voena (2015), 'Yours, Mine, and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples?', American Economic Review , 105 (8), August, 2295-332 502 21. Marion Gousse, Nicolas Jacquemet and Jean-Marc Robin (2017), 'Marriage, Labor Supply, and Home Production', Econometrica , 85 (6), November, 1873-919 540 22. Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Monica Costa Dias and Costas Meghir (2018), 'The Marriage Market, Labor Supply, and Education Choice', Journal of Political Economy , 126 (S1), October, S26-72 587 C The Impact of Welfare Programs 23. James J. Heckman (1974), 'Effects of Child-Care Programs on Women's Work Effort', Journal of Political Economy , 82 (2) (Part 2), March-April, S136-63 635 24. Hilary Williamson Hoynes (1996), 'Welfare Transfers in Two-Parent Families: Labor Supply and Welfare Participation Under AFDC-UP', Econometrica , 64 (2), March, 295-332 663 25. Michael Keane and Robert Moffitt (1998), 'A Structural Model of Multiple Welfare Program Participation and Labor Supply', International Economic Review , 39 (3), August, 553-89 701 26. Michal Myck, Olivier Bargain, Miriam Beblo, Denis Beninger, Richard Blundell, Raquel Carrasco, Maria-Concetta Chiuri, Francois Laisney, Valerie Lechene, Ernesto Longobardi, Nicolas Moreau, Javier Ruiz-Castillo and Frederic Vermeulen (2006), 'The Working Families' Tax Credit and Some European Tax Reforms in a Collective Setting', Review of Economics of the Household , 4 (2), June, 129-58 738 27. Daniela Del Boca, Christopher Flinn and Matthew Wiswall (2014), 'Household Choices and Child Development', Review of Economic Studies , 81 (1), January,137-85 768 28. Richard Blundell, Monica Costa Dias, Costas Meghir and Jonathan Shaw (2016), 'Female Labor Supply, Human Capital, and Welfare Reform', Econometrica , 84 (5), September, 1705-53 817

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