
Sufi institutions

edited by Alexandre Papas

(Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies, section 1 . The Near and Middle East . Handbook of Sufi studies ; v. 1)

Brill, c2021

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume describes the social and practical aspects of Islamic mysticism (Sufism) across centuries and geographical regions. Its authors seek to transcend ethereal, essentialist and "spiritualizing" approaches to Sufism, on the one hand, and purely pragmatic and materialistic explanations of its origins and history, on the other. Covering five topics (Sufism's economy, social role of Sufis, Sufi spaces, politics, and organization), the volume shows that mystics have been active socio-religious agents who could skillfully adjust to the conditions of their time and place, while also managing to forge an alternative way of living, worshiping and thinking. Basing themselves on the most recent research on Sufi institutions, the contributors to this volume substantially expand our understanding of the vicissitudes of Sufism by paying special attention to its organizational and economic dimensions, as well as complex and often ambivalent relations between Sufis and the societies in which they played a wide variety of important and sometimes critical roles. Contributors are Mehran Afshari, Ismail Fajrie Alatas, Semih Ceyhan, Rachida Chih, Nathalie Clayer, David Cook, Stephane A. Dudoignon, Daphna Ephrat, Peyvand Firouzeh, Nathan Hofer, Hussain Ahmad Khan, Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen, Richard McGregor, Ahmet Yasar Ocak, Alexandre Papas, Luca Patrizi, Paulo G. Pinto, Adam Sabra, Mark Sedgwick, Jean-Jacques Thibon, Knut S. Vikor and Neguin Yavari


Contents Acknowledgments List of Figures Introduction: What Is a Sufi Institution? A Dichotomy in Sufi Studies Alexandre Papas Part 1: The Economy of Sufism 1 Economies of Sufism Adam Sabra 2 Endowments for Sufis and Their Institutions Nathan Hofer 3 Donations to Sufis and Sufi Institutions Hussain Ahmad Khan 4 Sufism, Futuwwa, and Professional Guilds Mehran Afshari Part 2: Sufi Places and Dwellings 5 Sufi Places and Dwellings Daphna Ephrat and Paulo G. Pinto 6 Sufi Shrines Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen 7 Sufi Lodges Peyvand Firouzeh 8 Sufi Outposts (ribats) Nathan Hofer Part 3: The Social Role of Sufis 9 The Social Role of Sufis Rachida Chih 10 Sufi Altruism Richard McGregor 11 Sufism, Urbanisation, and Sociability in Cities Nathalie Clayer 12 Sufis in Rural Environments Ahmet Yasar Ocak Part 4: Sufism and Worldly Powers 13 Sufism and Worldly Powers Alexandre Papas 14 Sufi Terminology of Power 15 Sufis as Court Advisors Neguin Yavari 16 Sufism, the Army, and Holy War David Cook 17 Sufi Sultanates and Imamates Knut S. Vikor Part 5: The Organisation of Mysticism 18 The Organisation of Mysticism Mark Sedgwick 19 The First Communities Jean-Jacques Thibon 20 Sufi Lineages and Families Ismail Fajrie Alatas 21 Established Sufi Orders Semih Ceyhan 22 Cyber Sufism Stephane A. Dudoignon Name Index Place Index Thematic Index

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