The Western heritage : since 1300

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The Western heritage : since 1300

Donald Kagan ... [et al.]

Pearson, c2013

11th ed

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Western heritage since 1300

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Other authors: Steven Ozment, Frank M. Turner, Alison Frank

Includes bibliographical references and index

"My History Lab"--Cover

Description and Table of Contents


Explore the changing nature of the West Rather than looking at Western civilization only as the history of Europe from ancient times to the present, this groundbreaking book examines the changing nature of the West-how the definition of the West has evolved and has been transformed throughout history. It explores the ways Western civilization has changed as a result of cultural encounters with different beliefs, ideas, technologies, and peoples, both outside the West and within it. Presenting a balanced treatment of political, social, religious, and cultural history, this text emphasizes the ever-shifting boundaries of the geographic and cultural realm of the West. MyHistoryLab is an integral part of the Levack program. Key learning applications include Closer Looks, MyHistoryLibrary, and writing assessment. A better teaching and learning experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. Here's how: Personalize Learning- MyHistoryLab is online learning. MyHistoryLab engages students through personalized learning and helps instructors from course preparation to delivery and assessment. Improve Critical Thinking-Critical thinking questions throughout the text help students focus on what they need to learn. Engage Students-Fine art and photos engage students in the material. Support Instructors- A full set of supplements, including MyHistoryLab, provides instructors with all the resources and support they need. Note: MyHistoryLab does not come automatically packaged with this text.

Table of Contents

Found in this Section: 1. Brief Table of Contents 2. Full Table of Contents 1. BRIEF TABLE OF CONTENTS Documents Maps Preface About the Authors What Is the Western Heritage? INTRODUCTION: The West before 1300 PART 3: Europe in Transition, 1300-1750 Chapter 9: The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown (1300-1453) Chapter 10: Renaissance and Discovery Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation Chapter 12: The Age of Religious Wars Chapter 13: European State -Consolidation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Chapter 14: New Directions in Thought and Culture in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Chapter 15: Society and Economy Under the Old Regime in the Eighteenth Century Chapter 16: The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion PART 4: Enlightenment and Revolution, 1700-1850 Chapter 17: The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth-Century Thought Chapter 18: The French Revolution Chapter 19: The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism Chapter 20: The Conservative Order and the Challenges of Reform (1815-1832) Chapter 21: Economic Advance and Social Unrest (1830-1850) PART 5: Toward the Modern World, 1850-1939 Chapter 22: The Age of Nation-States Chapter 23: The Building of European Supremacy: Society and Politics to World War I Chapter 24: The Birth of Modern European Thought Chapter 25: The Age of Western Imperialism Chapter 26: Alliances, War, and a Troubled Peace Chapter 27: The Interwar Years: The Challenge of Dictators and Depression PART 6: Global Conflict, Cold War, and New Directions, 1939-2012 Chapter 28: World War II Chapter 29: The Cold War Era, Decolonization, and the Emergence of a New Europe Chapter 30: Social, Cultural, and Economic Challenges in the West through the Present Glossary Index 2. FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS Documents Maps Preface About the Authors What Is the Western Heritage? INTRODUCTION: The West before 1300 Early Humans and Their Culture The Paleolithic Age The Neolithic Age Early Civilizations to about 1000 B.C.E. Mesopotamian Civilization Egyptian Civilization Palestine and the Religion of the Israelites The Greeks The Polis Greek Political Philosophy and the Crisis of the Polis The Empire of Alexander the Great Rome The Republic and Expansion in the Mediterranean From Republic to Empire The Principate and the Empire Christianity Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Europe Enters the Middle Ages The Byzantine Empire The Rise of Islam New Importance of the Christian Church Charlemagne Feudal and Manorial Society Church and State in the High Middle Ages The Division of Christendom The Rise of Towns The Crusades The Rise of New Monarchies Universities and Scholasticism In Perspective PART 3: Europe in Transition, 1300-1750 Chapter 9: The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown (1300-1453) The Black Death Preconditions and Causes of the Plague Popular Remedies Social and Economic Consequences New Conflicts and Opportunities The Hundred Years' War and the Rise of National Sentiment The Causes of the War Progress of the War Ecclesiastical Breakdown and Revival: The Late Medieval Church The Thirteenth-Century Papacy Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair The Avignon Papacy (1309-1377) John Wycliffe and John Huss The Great Schism (1378-1417) and the Conciliar Movement in the Church to 1449 Medieval Russia Politics and Society Mongol Rule (1243-1480) In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments A BURIAL SCENE FROM THE BLACK DEATH Dealing with Death Who Runs the World: Priests or Princes? Chapter 10: Renaissance and Discovery The Renaissance in Italy (1375-1527) The Italian City-States Humanism High Renaissance Art Slavery in the Renaissance 3 Italy's Political Decline: The French Invasions (1494-1527) Charles VIII's March Through Italy Pope Alexander VI and the Borgia Family Pope Julius II Niccolo Machiavelli Revival of Monarchy in Northern Europe France Spain England The Holy Roman Empire The Northern Renaissance The Printing Press Erasmus Humanism and Reform Voyages of Discovery and the New Empires in the West and East The Portuguese Chart the Course The Spanish Voyages of Columbus The Spanish Empire in the New World The Church in Spanish America The Economy of Exploitation Mining The Impact on Europe In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments The Renaissance Garden LEONARDO PLOTS THE PERFECT MAN Is the "Renaissance Man" a Myth? Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation Society and Religion Social and Political Conflict Popular Religious Movements and Criticism of the Church Martin Luther and the German Reformation to 1525 The Attack on Indulgences Election of Charles V Luther's Excommunication and the Diet of Worms Imperial Distractions: War with France and the Turks How the Reformation Spread The Peasants' Revolt The Reformation Elsewhere Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation Anabaptists and Radical Protestants John Calvin and the Genevan Reformation Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Reformation The Diet of Augsburg The Expansion of the Reformation Reaction Against Protestants The Peace of Augsburg The English Reformation to 1553 The Preconditions of Reform The King's Affair The "Reformation Parliament" Wives of Henry VIII The King's Religious Conservatism The Protestant Reformation under Edward VI Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation Sources of Catholic Reform Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits The Council of Trent (1545-1563) The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe The Revolution in Religious Practices and Institutions The Reformation and Education The Reformation and the Changing Role of Women Family Life in Early Modern Europe Later Marriages Arranged Marriages Family Size Birth Control Wet Nursing Loving Families? Literary Imagination in Transition Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: Rejection of Idealism William Shakespeare: Dramatist of the Age In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments A SAINT AT PEACE IN THE GRASP OF TEMPTATION A Raw Deal for the Common Man, or Just Desserts? Table Manners Chapter 12: The Age of Religious Wars Renewed Religious Struggle The French Wars of Religion (1562-1598) Appeal of Calvinism Catherine de Medicis and the Guises The Rise to Power of Henry of Navarre The Edict of Nantes Imperial Spain and Philip II (r. 1556-1598) Pillars of Spanish Power The Revolt in the Netherlands England and Spain (1553-1603) Mary I (r. 1553-1558) Elizabeth I (r. 1558-1603) The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) Preconditions for War Four Periods of War The Treaty of Westphalia In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments BAROQUE AND PLAIN CHURCH: ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTIONS OF BELIEF The Great Debate Over Religious Tolerance Going to the Thea Chapter 13: European State -Consolidation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries The Netherlands: Golden Age to Decline Urban Prosperity Economic Decline Two Models of European Political Development Constitutional Crisis and Settlement in Stuart England James I Charles I The Long Parliament and Civil War Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Republic Charles II and the Restoration of the Monarchy The "Glorious Revolution" The Age of Walpole Rise of Absolute Monarchy in France: The World of Louis XIV Years of Personal Rule Versailles King by Divine Right Louis's Early Wars Louis's Repressive Religious Policies Louis's Later Wars France After Louis XIV Central and Eastern Europe Poland: Absence of Strong Central Authority The Habsburg Empire and the Pragmatic Sanction Prussia and the Hohenzollerns Russia Enters the European Political Arena The Romanov Dynasty Peter the Great Russian Expansion in the Baltic: The Great Northern War In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments Early Controversy Over Tobacco and Smoking VERSAILLES The Debate over the Origin and Character of Political Authority Chapter 14: New Directions in Thought and Culture in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries The Scientific Revolution Nicolaus Copernicus Rejects an Earth-Centered Universe Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler Make New Scientific Observations Galileo Galilei Argues for a Universe of Mathematical Laws Isaac Newton Discovers the Laws of Gravitation Philosophy Responds to Changing Science Nature as Mechanism Francis Bacon: The Empirical Method Rene Descartes: The Method of Rational Deduction Thomas Hobbes: Apologist for Absolute Government John Locke: Defender of Moderate Liberty and Toleration The New Institutions of Expanding Natural Knowledge Women in the World of the Scientific Revolution The New Science and Religious Faith The Case of Galileo Blaise Pascal: Reason and Faith The English Approach to Science and Religion Continuing Superstition Witch Hunts and Panic Village Origins Influence of the Clergy Who Were the Witches? End of the Witch Hunts Baroque Art In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments THE SCIENCES AND THE ARTS Descartes and Swift Debate the Scientific Enterprise Midwives Chapter 15: Society and Economy Under the Old Regime in the Eighteenth Century Major Features of Life in the Old Regime Maintenance of Tradition Hierarchy and Privilege The Aristocracy Varieties of Aristocratic Privilege Aristocratic Resurgence The Land and Its Tillers Peasants and Serfs Aristocratic Domination of the Countryside: The English Game Laws Family Structures and the Family Economy Households The Family Economy Women and the Family Economy Children and the World of the Family Economy The Revolution in Agriculture New Crops and New Methods Expansion of the Population The Industrial Revolution of the Eighteenth Century A Revolution in Consumption Industrial Leadership of Great Britain New Methods of Textile Production The Steam Engine Iron Production The Impact of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions on Working Women The Growth of Cities Patterns of Preindustrial Urbanization Urban Classes The Urban Riot The Jewish Population: The Age of the Ghetto In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments AN ARISTOCRATIC COUPLE Two Eighteenth-Century Writers Contemplate the Effects of Different Economic Structures Water, Washing, and Bathing Chapter 16: The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and Colonial Rebellion Periods of European Overseas Empires Mercantile Empires Mercantilist Goals French-British Rivalry The Spanish Colonial System Colonial Government Trade Regulation Colonial Reform under the Spanish Bourbon Monarchs Black African Slavery, the Plantation System, and the Atlantic Economy The African Presence in the Americas Slavery and the Transatlantic Economy The Experience of Slavery Mid-Eighteenth-Century Wars The War of Jenkins's Ear The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) The "Diplomatic Revolution" of 1756 The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) The American Revolution and Europe Resistance to the Imperial Search for Revenue The Crisis and Independence American Political Ideas Events in Great Britain Broader Impact of the American Revolution In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments Sugar Enters the Western Diet A SUGAR PLANTATION IN THE WEST INDIES The Atlantic Passage The Columbian Exchange: Disease, Animals, and Agriculture PART 4: Enlightenment and Revolution, 1700-1850 Chapter 17: The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth-Century Thought Formative Influences on the Enlightenment The Emergence of a Print Culture The Philosophes Philosophes and Patrons The Enlightenment and Religion Deism Toleration Radical Enlightenment Criticism of Christianity The Limits of Toleration The Jewish Enlightenment The Enlightenment and Society The Encyclopedia: Freedom and Economic Improvement Beccaria and Reform of Criminal Law The Physiocrats and Economic Freedom Adam Smith on Economic Growth and Social Progress Political Thought of the Philosophes Montesquieu and Spirit of the Laws Rousseau: A Radical Critique of Modern Society Enlightened Critics of European Empires Women in the Thought and Practice of the Enlightenment Rococo and Neoclassical Styles in Eighteenth-Century Art Enlightened Absolutism Frederick the Great of Prussia Joseph II of Austria Catherine the Great of Russia The Partitions of Poland The End of the Eighteenth Century in Central and Eastern Europe In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments Coffeehouses and Enlightenment AN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ARTIST APPEALS TO THE ANCIENT WORLD Maria Theresa and Joseph II of Austria Debate Toleration Chapter 18: The French Revolution The Crisis of the French Monarchy The Monarchy Seeks New Taxes Necker's Report Calonne's Reform Plan and the Assembly of Notables Deadlock and the Calling of the Estates General The Revolution of 1789 The Estates General Becomes the National Assembly Fall of the Bastille The "Great Fear" and the Night of August 4 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen The Parisian Women's March on Versailles The Reconstruction of France Political Reorganization Economic Policy The Civil Constitution of the Clergy Counterrevolutionary Activity The End of the Monarchy: A Second Revolution Emergence of the Jacobins The Convention and the Role of the Sans-culottes Europe at War with the Revolution Edmund Burke Attacks the Revolution Suppression of Reform in Britain The Second and Third Partitions of Poland, 1793, 1795 The Reign of Terror War with Europe The Republic Defended The "Republic of Virtue" and Robespierre's Justification of Terror Repression of the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women De-Christianization Revolutionary Tribunals The End of the Terror The Thermidorian Reaction Establishment of the Directory Removal of the Sans-culottes from Political Life In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments CHALLENGING THE FRENCH POLITICAL ORDER The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Opens the Door for Disadvantaged Groups to Demand Equal Civic Rights The Metric System Chapter 19: The Age of Napoleon and the Triumph of Romanticism The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte Early Military Victories The Constitution of the Year VIII The Consulate in France (1799-1804) Suppressing Foreign Enemies and Domestic Opposition Concordat with the Roman Catholic Church The Napoleonic Code Establishing a Dynasty The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) Napoleon's Empire (1804-1814) Conquering an Empire The Continental System European Response to the Empire German Nationalism and Prussian Reform The Wars of Liberation The Invasion of Russia European Coalition The Congress of Vienna and the European Settlement Territorial Adjustments The Hundred Days and the Quadruple Alliance The Romantic Movement Romantic Questioning of the Supremacy of Reason Rousseau and Education Kant and Reason Romantic Literature English Romantic Writers The German Romantic Writers Romantic Art The Cult of the Middle Ages and Neo-Gothicism Nature and the Sublime Religion in the Romantic Period Methodism New Directions in Continental Religion Romantic Views of Nationalism and History Herder and Culture Hegel and History Islam, the Middle East, and Romanticism In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments THE CORONATION OF NAPOLEON Sailors and Canned Food The Experience of War in the Napoleonic Age Chapter 20: The Conservative Order and the Challenges of Reform (1815-1832) The Conservative Order The Congress System The Domestic Political Order Conservative Outlooks The Emergence of Nationalism and Liberalism Nationalism Early-Nineteenth-Century Political Liberalism Classical Economics Relationship of Liberalism to Nationalism Conservative Restoration in Europe Liberalism and Nationalism Resisted in Austria and the Germanies Postwar Repression in Great Britain Bourbon Restoration in France The Spanish Revolution of 1820 The Conservative Order Shaken in Europe Revolt Against Ottoman Rule in the Balkans Russia: The Decembrist Revolt of 1825 Revolution in France (1830) Belgium Becomes Independent (1830) The Great Reform Bill in Britain (1832) The Wars of Independence in Latin America Wars of Independence on the South American Continent Independence in New Spain Brazilian Independence In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments Mazzini and Lord Acton Debate the Political Principles of Nationalism Gymnastics and German Nationalism AN UNSUCCESSFUL MILITARY COUP IN RUSSIA Chapter 21: Economic Advance and Social Unrest (1830-1850) Toward an Industrial Society Population and Migration Railways The Labor Force The Emergence of a Wage-Labor Force Working-Class Political Action: The Example of British Chartism Family Structures and the Industrial Revolution The Family in the Early Factory System Women in the Early Industrial Revolution Opportunities and Exploitation in Employment Changing Expectations in the Working-Class Marriage Problems of Crime, Order, and Poverty New Police Forces Prison Reform Government Policies Based on Classical Economics Early Socialism Utopian Socialism Anarchism Marxism 1848: Year of Revolutions France: The Second Republic and Louis Napoleon The Habsburg Empire: Nationalism Resisted Italy: Republicanism Defeated The German Confederation: Liberalism Frustrated In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments The Potato and the Great Hunger in Ireland Andrew Ure and John Ruskin Debate the Conditions of Factory Production THE GREAT EXHIBITION IN LONDON The Abolition of Slavery in the Transatlantic Economy PART 5: Toward the Modern World, 1850-1939 Chapter 22: The Age of Nation-States The Crimean War (1853-1856) Peace Settlement and Long-Term Results Reforms in the Ottoman Empire Italian Unification Romantic Republicans Cavour's Policy The New Italian State German Unification Bismarck The Franco-Prussian War and the German Empire (1870-1871) France: From Liberal Empire to the Third Republic The Paris Commune The Third Republic The Habsburg Empire Formation of the Dual Monarchy Unrest of Nationalities Russia: Emancipation and Revolutionary Stirrings Reforms of Alexander II Revolutionaries Great Britain: Toward Democracy The Second Reform Act (1867) Gladstone's Great Ministry (1868-1874) Disraeli in Office (1874-1880) The Irish Question In Perspective Key Term Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments THE SUEZ CANAL Nineteenth-Century Nationalism: Two Sides The Arrival of Penny Postage Chapter 23: The Building of European Supremacy: Society and Politics to World War I Population Trends and Migration The Second Industrial Revolution New Industries Economic Difficulties The Middle Classes in Ascendancy Social Distinctions within the Middle Classes Late-Nineteenth-Century Urban Life The Redesign of Cities Urban Sanitation Housing Reform and Middle-Class Values Varieties of Late-Nineteenth-Century Women's Experiences Women's Social Disabilities New Employment Patterns for Women Working-Class Women Poverty and Prostitution Women of the Middle Class The Rise of Political Feminism Jewish Emancipation Differing Degrees of Citizenship Broadened Opportunities Labor, Socialism, and Politics to World War I Trade Unionism Democracy and Political Parties Karl Marx and the First International Great Britain: Fabianism and Early Welfare Programs France: "Opportunism" Rejected Germany: Social Democrats and Revisionism Russia: Industrial Development and the Birth of Bolshevism In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments Bicycles: Transportation, Freedom, and Sport Bernstein and Lenin Debate the Tactics of European Socialism BLOODY SUNDAY, ST. PETERSBURG, 1905 Chapter 24: The Birth of Modern European Thought The New Reading Public Advances in Primary Education Reading Material for the Mass Audience Science at Midcentury Comte, Positivism, and the Prestige of Science New Theories of Evolution: Lamarck, Lyell, Darwin, Wallace Science and Ethics: Social Darwinism Christianity and the Church Under Siege Intellectual Skepticism Conflict Between Church and State Areas of Religious Revival The Roman Catholic Church and the Modern World Islam and Late-Nineteenth-Century European Thought Toward a Twentieth-Century Frame of Mind Science: The Revolution in Physics Literature: Realism and Naturalism Modernism in Literature The Coming of Modern Art Friedrich Nietzsche and the Revolt Against Reason The Birth of Psychoanalysis Retreat from Rationalism in Politics Racism Anti-Semitism and the Birth of Zionism Women and Modern Thought Antifeminism in Late-Century Thought New Directions in Feminism In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments The Birth of Science Fiction The Debate over Social Darwinism POPULAR RELIGION AND PILGRIMAGE Chapter 25: The Age of Western Imperialism The Close of the Age of Early Modern Colonization The Age of British Imperial Dominance The Imperialism of Free Trade British Settler Colonies India-The Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire The "New Imperialism," 1870-1914 Motives for the New Imperialism The Partition of Africa Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Libya Egypt and British Strategic Concern about the Upper Nile West Africa The Belgian Congo German Empire in Africa Southern Africa Russian Expansion in Mainland Asia Western Powers in Asia France in Asia The United States' Actions in Asia, the Pacific, and Latin America The Boxer Rebellion Tools of Imperialism Steamboats Conquest of Tropical Diseases Firearms The Missionary Factor Missionary Movements Tensions Between Missionaries and Imperial Administrators Missionaries and Indigenous Religious Movements Science and Imperialism Botany Zoology Medicine Anthropology In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments THE FRENCH IN MOROCCO Two Views of Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Imperial Expansion Submarine Cables Imperialism: Ancient and Modern Chapter 26: Alliances, War, and a Troubled Peace Emergence of the German Empire and the Alliance Systems (1873-1890) Bismarck's Leadership Forging the Triple Entente (1890-1907) World War I The Road to War (1908-1914) Sarajevo and the Outbreak of War (June-August 1914) Strategies and Stalemate: 1914-1917 The Russian Revolution The Provisional Government Lenin and the Bolsheviks The Communist Dictatorship The End of World War I Germany's Last Offensive The Armistice The End of the Ottoman Empire The Settlement at Paris Obstacles the Peacemakers Faced The Peace World War I and Colonial Empires Evaluating the Peace In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments The Outbreak of World War I THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARMORED TANK War Propaganda and the Movies: Charlie Chaplin Chapter 27: The Interwar Years: The Challenge of Dictators and Depression After Versailles: Demands for Revision and Enforcement Toward the Great Depression in Europe Financial Tailspin Problems in Agricultural Commodities Depression and Government Policy in Britain and France The Soviet Experiment War Communism The New Economic Policy The Third International Stalin versus Trotsky The Decision for Rapid Industrialization The Collectivization of Agriculture The Purges The Fascist Experiment in Italy The Rise of Mussolini The Fascists in Power German Democracy and Dictatorship The Weimar Republic Depression and Political Deadlock Hitler Comes to Power Hitler's Consolidation of Power Anti-Semitism and the Police State Racial Ideology and the Lives of Women Nazi Economic Policy Trials of the Successor States in Eastern Europe Economic and Ethnic Pressures Poland: Democracy to Military Rule Czechoslovakia: A Viable Democratic Experiment Hungary: Turn to Authoritarianism Austria: Political Turmoil and Nazi Occupation Southeastern Europe: Royal Dictatorships In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments Cinema of the Political Left and Right THE NAZI PARTY RALLY The Soviets and the Nazis Confront the Issues of Women and the Family PART 6: Global Conflict, Cold War, and New Directions, 1939-2012 Chapter 28: World War II Again the Road to War (1933-1939) Hitler's Goals Italy Attacks Ethiopia Remilitarization of the Rhineland The Spanish Civil War Austria and Czechoslovakia Munich The Nazi-Soviet Pact World War II (1939-1945) The German Conquest of Europe The Battle of Britain The German Attack on Russia Hitler's Plans for Europe Japan and the United States Enter the War The Tide Turns The Defeat of Nazi Germany Fall of the Japanese Empire The Cost of War Racism and the Holocaust The Destruction of the Polish Jewish Community Polish Anti-Semitism Between the Wars The Nazi Assault on the Jews of Poland Explanations of the Holocaust The Domestic Fronts Germany: From Apparent Victory to Defeat France: Defeat, Collaboration, and Resistance Great Britain: Organization for Victory The Soviet Union: "The Great Patriotic War" Preparations for Peace The Atlantic Charter Tehran: Agreement on a Second Front Yalta Potsdam In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments The Munich Settlement Rosie the Riveter and American Women in the War Effort THE VICHY REGIME IN FRANCE Chapter 29: The Cold War Era, Decolonization, and the Emergence of a New Europe The Emergence of the Cold War Containment in American Foreign Policy Soviet Domination of Eastern Europe The Postwar Division of Germany NATO and the Warsaw Pact The Creation of the State of Israel The Korean War The Khrushchev Era in the Soviet Union Khrushchev's Domestic Policies The Three Crises of 1956 Later Cold War Confrontations The Berlin Wall The Cuban Missile Crisis The Brezhnev Era 1968: The Invasion of Czechoslovakia The United States and Detente The Invasion of Afghanistan Communism and Solidarity in Poland Relations with the Reagan Administration Decolonization: The European Retreat from Empire Major Areas of Colonial Withdrawal India Further British Retreat from Empire The Turmoil of French Decolonization France and Algeria France and Vietnam Vietnam Drawn into the Cold War Direct United States Involvement The Collapse of European Communism Gorbachev Attempts to Reform the Soviet Union 1989: Revolution in Eastern Europe The Collapse of the Soviet Union The Yeltsin Decade The Collapse of Yugoslavia and Civil War Putin and the Resurgence of Russia The Rise of Radical Political Islamism Arab Nationalism The Iranian Revolution Afghanistan and Radical Islamism A Transformed West In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments The Soviet Union and the United States Draw the Lines of the Cold War Rock Music and Political Protest COLLAPSE OF THE BERLIN WALL Chapter 30: Social, Cultural, and Economic Challenges in the West through the Present The Twentieth-Century Movement of Peoples Displacement Through War External and Internal Migration The New Muslim Population European Population Trends Toward a Welfare State Society Christian Democratic Parties The Creation of Welfare States Resistance to the Expansion of the Welfare State New Patterns in Work and Expectations of Women Feminism More Married Women in the Workforce New Work Patterns Women in the New Eastern Europe Transformations in Knowledge and Culture Communism and Western Europe Existentialism Expansion of the University Population and Student Rebellion The Americanization of Europe A Consumer Society Environmentalism Art Since World War II Cultural Divisions and the Cold War The Christian Heritage Neo-Orthodoxy Liberal Theology Roman Catholic Reform Late-Twentieth-Century Technology: The Arrival of the Computer The Demand for Calculating Machines Early Computer Technology The Development of Desktop Computers The Challenges of European Unification Postwar Cooperation The European Economic Community The European Union Discord over the Union New American Leadership and Financial Crisis European Debt Crisis In Perspective Key Terms Review Questions Suggested Readings MyHistoryLab Media Assignments Muslim Women Debate France's Ban on the Veil Toys from Europe Conquer the United States NAMELESS LIBRARY, VIENNA ENERGY AND THE MODERN WORLD Glossary Index

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    • 9780205962402
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  • Pages/Volumes
    lxx p., p. 265-1020, 9, 22 p.
  • Size
    28 cm
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