An Ottoman cosmography : translation of Cihānnümā


An Ottoman cosmography : translation of Cihānnümā

by Kātib Çelebi ; edited by Gottfried Hagen, Robert Dankoff ; translated by Ferenc Csirkés, John Curry, Gary Leiser

(Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies, section 1 . The Near and Middle East ; v. 142)

Brill, c2022

  • : hardback



大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes index



Cihannuma is the summa of Ottoman geography and one of the axial texts of Islamic intellectual history. Katib Celebi (d. 1657) sought to combine the Islamic geographical tradition with the new European discoveries, atlases and surveys. His cosmography included a comprehensive description of the regions of the world, extending westward from Japan and as far as the eastern Ottoman provinces. Ebu Bekr b. Behram ed-Dimaski (d. 1691) continued with a survey of the Arab countries and the remaining Ottoman provinces of Anatolia. Ibrahim Muteferrika combined the two, with additional notes and maps of his own, in one of the earliest Ottoman printed books, Kitab-i Cihannuma (1732). Our translation includes the entire text of Mu teferrik a's edition, distinguishing clearly between the contributions of the three authors. Based on Katib Celebi's original manuscript we have made hundreds of corrections to Muteferrika's text. Additional corrections are based on comparison with Katib Celebi's Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Latin and Italian sources.


Preface References and Abbreviations Outline of Cihannuma Introduction to Cihannuma Gottfried Hagen Introduction to the Translation Robert Dankoff Translation of Cihannuma Part 1, by Katib Celebi Ferenc Csirkes, John Curry and Gary Leiser Introduction 1 On the Earth 2 On the Seas 3 On the Major Parts of the Earth 4 On the Continent of Europe 5 On (the Continent of) Africa 6 On the Continent of Asia 7 On (the Continent of) America, i.e., the New World 8 On 90 Latitude 9 On the South Pole 10 On the Relation of Countries and Directions, According to the Triplicities of the Constellations and Planets 11 On the Inhabitants of the World with Respect to Religions 12 Island of Yapunia (Iaponia, Japan) 13 Map of (New) Guinea 14 Islands of Chin u Hind (East Indies) 15 Islands of Gilolo and Molucca 16 Mindanao, etc. 17 Sumatra 18 Borneo 19 Island of Ceylon 20 Clime of Chin u Machin (China) 21 Clime of Khitay (Cathay) 22 Clime of India 23 Clime of Sind 24 Country of Makran 25 Clime of Zabulistan, Khwast and Ashnaghar 26 Country of Kashmir and Tibet 27 Country of Sijistan 28 Country of Badakhshan, Ghur and Tukharistan 29 Clime of Kirman, Hormuz and Lar 30 Clime of Fars 31 Country of Khuzistan and Luristan 32 Clime of Jabal (i.e., Jibal) or Persian Iraq 33 Clime of Khurasan and Quhistan 34 Country of Qumis, Tabaristan and Mazandaran 35 Clime of Khwarazm, Daylam and Gilan 36 Clime of Transoxiana 37 Clime of Turkistan and the Steppe 38 Clime of Azerbaijan 39 Clime of Arran, Muqan and Shirwan 40 Country of Dagestan, Georgia, etc. 41 Clime of Arminiyya Part 2, by Ebu Bekr b. Behram ed-Dimaski Gary Leiser 42 Clime of al-Jazira (Upper Mesopotamia) 43 Clime of 'Iraq al-'Arab (Lower Mesopotamia) 44 Description of the Arabian Peninsula 45 Region of Sham (Syria) 46 Description of (Province of) Anatoli Appendix: Maps and Diagrams About Maps and Diagrams Maps and Diagrams Index

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