Optomechatronic technologies 2008 : 17-19 November 2008, San Diego, California, USA



Optomechatronic technologies 2008 : 17-19 November 2008, San Diego, California, USA

Yukitoshi Otani ... [et al.], editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE

(Proceedings / SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering, v. 7266)

SPIE, c2008


ISOT 2008

Optomechatronic actuators and manipulation IV

Optomechatronic sensors and instrumentation IV

Optomechatronic micro/nano devices and components IV

Optomechatronic computer-vision systems III

Optomechatronic systems control IV

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies ISOT 2008"--P. xi

Symposium consists of five conferences each previously published as individual SPIE Proceedings volumes: Optomechatronic actuators and manipulation IV; Optomechatronic sensors and instrumentation IV; Optomechatronic micro/nano devices and components IV; Optomechatronic computer-vision systems III; Optomechatronic systems control IV

Includes bibliographical references and author index



Proceedings of SPIE present the original research papers presented at SPIE conferences and other high-quality conferences in the broad-ranging fields of optics and photonics. These books provide prompt access to the latest innovations in research and technology in their respective fields. Proceedings of SPIE are among the most cited references in patent literature.

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  • Proceedings

    SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering

    SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering

