Philosophical criminology
Philosophical criminology
(New horizons in criminology)
Policy Press, 2017
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 125-142) and index
Philosophical criminology asks big questions about how we get on with one another and what happens when we do not. This accessible book in the New Horizons in Criminology series is the first to foreground this growing area. The book is structured around six philosophical ideas concerning our relations with others: values, morality, aesthetics, order, rules and respect. Building on the author's theoretical and empirical research, the book considers the boundaries of criminology and the scope for greater exchange between criminology and philosophy. The book is illustrated using examples from a range of countries, and provides a platform for engaging with important topical issues using philosophical and theoretical insights.
- A philosophical criminology
- Value judgements
- Morality
- Aesthetics and crime
- Order and disorder
- Rules
- Respect
- Conclusions.
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