
Explorations, 1603-1714

edited by Katie Barclay and François Soyer

(Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914 / edited by Katie Barclay and François Soyer, v. 2)

Routledge, 2021


Includes bibliographical references



This volume of primary sources focuses on the history of emotions in Europe and its empires between 1602 and 1714. The study examines the subjects of the self, family and community, religion, politics and law, science and philosophy, and art and culture. Sources include letters, diaries, legal papers, institutional records, newspapers, science and philosophical writings, literature and art from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students of history and literature.


  • Acknowledgements List of Figures General introduction Volume introduction Part 1: Self 1. Thomas Browne (1605-1682), Religio Medici (London: Andrew Cooke, 1643), Second Part, pp. 141-150 2. Miquel Parets (1610-1661), A Journal of the Plague Year: the Diary of the Barcelona tanner Miquel Parets, 1651, trans. and ed. James Amelang (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 68-71 3. Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), The Diary of Samuel Pepys, ed. Henry B. Wheatley (London: George Bell and Sons, 1893) 4. Elizabeth, Viscountess Mordaunt (1632-1679), The Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth, Viscountess Mordaunt, covering the years 1656-78, in Elizabeth Mordaunt. The Private Diarie, ed. E. Roden and R. Jocelyn (Duncairn: 1856), pp. 59-64
  • 169-172 5. Selected excerpts of Gluckel of Hameln (1646-1724), Memoirs, from The Life of Gluckel of Hameln, 1646-1724, written by herself, trans. and ed. Beth-Zion Abrahams (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 2010), pp. 39-40, 71 and 106-110 6. Ralph Thoresby (1628-1725), Diary entries on the death of Mr. Sharp, 1693, in The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S. Author of the Topography of Leeds (1677-1724), ed. Joseph Hunter (London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley 1830), vol. 1, pp. 235-41 7. Jacques Abbadie (1654-1727), The Art of Knowing One-Self, or, An Enquiry into the Sources of Morality written originally in French (Oxford: Henry Clements, and John Howell, 1695), pp. 138-165 8. Abraham de Wicquefort (1606-1682), The Embassador and his Functions, trans. Mr. Digby (London: B. Lintott, 1716), pp. 349-50 Part 2. Family and Community 9. Complainte et regret d'une jeune fille, laquelle a este executee dans la ville de Aure de Grace, en Normandie pour avoir deffaict son propre enfant. Sur le chant, Demandez l[e] a votre pere pareillement a vostre mere, in La Fleur du rozier des chansons nouvelles, Nouvellement Imprimees & recueillies de plusieurs Autheurs (Lyon, Par Simon Rigaud. 1606) 10. Testimony from the trial of Margaret Ramsay for the murder of her own child, 5 March 1662, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh, JC1/33 11. John Vernon, The Compleat Scholler
  • or, A Relation of the Life, and Latter-End especially, of Caleb Vernon who Dyed in the Lord on the 29th of the Ninth Month, 1665. Aged Twelve Years and Six Months. Commending to Youth the Most Excellent Knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord. (London: the author, 1666), pp. 55-75 12. Antoine de Courtin (1622-1685), A Treatise of Jealousie, or, Means to Preserve Peace in Marriage wherein is Treated of I. The Nature and Effects of Jealousie, which for the Most part is the Fatal Cause of Discontents between Man and Wife, II. And because Jealousy is a Passion, it's therefore Occasionally Discoursed of Passions in General ... III. The Reciprocal Duties of Man and Wife ... (London: W. Freeman, 1684), pp. 69-87 and 140-156 13. An Account of a Horrid and Barbarous Murder Committed on the Body of a Young Person supposed to be of a Good Quality in the Fields beyond Whitechappel-Church in the Parish of Stepny (London: George Croom, 1684) 14. The Tryal of Philip Standsfield, son to Sir James Standsfield of New-Milns for the Murther of his Father, and other Crimes libell'd against him, Feb. 7. 1688 ... (Edinburgh: Andrew Anderson, 1688), pp. 20-2 and 27-30 15. Louis Hennepin (1626-1704), A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America extending above Four Thousand Miles between New France and New Mexico, with a description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals: also the Manners, Customs, and Languages of the Several Native Indians... (London: M. Bentley, J. Tonson, H. Bonwick, T. Goodwin and S. Manship, 1698), pp. 68-73 Part 3. Religion 16. Jean-Francois Senault (c.1599-1672), The Use of Passions written in French by J.F. Senault
  • and put into English by Henry, Earl of Monmouth (London: John Sims, 1671), pp. 39-53 17. Thomas Adams (1583-1652), Diseases of the Soule a Discourse Diuine, Morall, and Physicall (London: Iohn Budge, 1616), pp. 13-21 18. David Papillon (1582-1659), The Vanity of the Lives and Passions of Men (London: Robert White, 1651), pp. 81-97 19. Maria de Jesus de Agreda (1602-1665), Correspondencia con Felipe IV. Religion y Razon de Estado, ed. Consolacion Baranda (Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1991), pp. 95-99 and 231-6 20. James Cranford (1592-1657), The Teares of Ireland wherein is Lively presented as in a Map a List of the Unheard off Cruelties and Perfidious Treacheries of Blood-Thirsty Jesuits and the Popish Faction ... (London: Iohn Rothwell, 1642), pp. 1-4 and 20-38 21. Anonymous engraving, Persecution of the Waldenses in the Piedmont, 1655-1663 22. Lancelot Blackburne (1658-1743), The Unreasonableness of Anger a Sermon Preach'd before the Queen at White-hall, July 29, 1694 (London: Thomas Bennet, 1694) Part 4. Politics and Law 23. Petition for Mercy Presented by William Udall to Lord Cecil (1604) 24. Eustache du Refuge (1564-1617), A Treatise of the Court or Instructions for Courtiers Digested into Two Books, trans. John Reynolds (London: Will: Lee, 1622), chapters 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 23 25. Fernando Manojo de la Corte, Newes from Spaine A Relation of the Death of Don Rodrigo Calderon, Marques of Seven Churches, &c. Faithfully translated according to the Spanish Copy (Madrid: widdow of Fernando Correa de Montenegro, 1622) 26. Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736), The Life of the Famous Cardinal-Duke de Richlieu, Principal Minister of State to Lewis XIII, King of France and Navarr (London: M. Gillyflower, W. Freeman, J. Walthoe and R. Parker, 1695), pp. 356-64 27. Englands Joy turned to Mourning, for the Loss of that Vertuous Prince, Henry Duke of Glocester, 3d. Son to our late Soveraign King Charles the first: Who Departed this Life the 13 of September, in the Year of our Lord, 1660. Prepare for Death before you Dye, If you would Live Eternally. To the Tune of, Aim not too high 28. The Spirit in Heaven of that Illustrious Orange-Martyr, Henry de Fleury, lord of Buat, etc, 1672 29. John Gadbury (1627-1704), A True Narrative of the Horrid Hellish Popish-Plot. To the Tune of Packington's Pound, The First Part [s.l.: s.n., 1682] 30. Petition of Roger Silkston, a poor prisoner in Derby gaol at the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1680 Part 5. Science and Philosophy 31. Robert Burton (1577-1640), The Anatomy of Melancholy vvhat it is. VVith all the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and Seuerall Cures of it (Oxford: Henry Cripps, 1621), pp. 119-43 32. Jacques Ferrand (b.c.1575), Erotomania or A Treatise discoursing of the Essence, Causes, Symptomes, Prognosticks, and Cure of Love, or Erotique Melancholy, trans. Edmund Chilmead (Oxford: Edward Forrest, 1640), pp. 217-37 33. Nicholas Coeffeteau (1574-1623), A Table of Humane Passions with their Causes and Effects, trans. Edw. Grimeston (London: Nicholas Okes, 1621), pp. 547-632 34. Renei Descartes (1596-1650), The Passions of the Soule in Three Books the first, treating of the Passions in Generall, and occasionally of the Whole Nature of Man. The Second, of the Number, and Order of the Passions, and the Explication of the Six Primitive Ones. The Third, of Particular Passions (London: J. Martin, and J. Ridley, 1650), pp. 45-54 35. Jakob Boehme (1575-1624), A Consolatory Treatise of the Four Complexions, that is, an Instruction in the Time of Temptation for a Sad and Assaulted Heart shewing where-from Sadness Naturally Ariseth, and how the Assaulting Happeneth: hereto are annexed some Consolatory Speeches exceeding Profitable for the Assaulted Hearts & Souls, written ... March 1621 (London: H. Blunden, 1654) 36. Marin Cureau de la Chambre (1594-1669), A Discourse upon the Passions in Two Parts (London: Hen. Herringman, 1661), pp. 1-19 37. Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), The Ethics, trans. R. H. M. Elwes, in The Chief Works of benedict de Spinoza (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1883-4), vol. 2, Parts III and IV 38. Theophraste Renaudot (1585-1653), Another Collection of Philosophical Conferences of the French Virtuosi upon Questions of All Sorts for the Improving of Natural Knowledg made in the Assembly of the Beaux Esprits at Paris by the most Ingenious Persons of that nation, trans. G. Havers, Gent. & J. Davies (London: Thomas Dring and John Starkey, 1665), pp. 99-101 and 150-3 39. Nicholas Malebranche (1638-1715), Father Malebranche his Treatise concerning the Search after Truth The Whole Work Complete. To which is added the author's Treatise of Nature and Grace ... Together with his Answer to the Animadversions upon the First Volume: his Defence against the Accusations of Monsieur De la Ville, &c trans. T. Taylor (London: Thomas Bennet, T. Leigh and W. Midwinter, 1700), pp. 1-5 and 10-12 40. William Greenwood, A , or, A Description of the Passion of Love demonstrating its Original, Causes, Effects, Signes, and Remedies (London: William Place, 1657), pp. 103-27 41. Thomas Willis (1621-1675), Two Discourses concerning the Soul of Brutes which is that of the Vital and Sensitive of Man. The First is Physiological, shewing the Nature, Parts, Powers, and Affections of the Same. The Other is Pathological, which Unfolds the Diseases which Affect it and its Primary Seat
  • to wit, the Brain and Nervous Stock, and Treats of their Cures (London: Thomas Dring, 1683), pp. 45-9 Part 6. Arts and Culture 42. Vicente Carducho (1576/78-1638), La Expulsion de los Moriscos (1627) 43. Carte du Tendre: An Allegorical Map of 'the Land of Love' (1654-61) 44. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669), Self Portrait in a Cap Laughing (1630), and Laughing Soldier (ca. 1630) 45. Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1651) 46. Pedro de Mena (1628-1688), Virgin of Sorrows (c. 1675) 47. Gabriel Joseph de Lavergne, vicomte de Guilleragues (1628-1684), Five Love-Letters from a Nun to a Cavalier (London: Henry Brome..., 1678), pp. 1-31 48. Charles Le Brun (1619-1690), The Conference of Monsieur Le Brun: cheif [sic] painter to the French King, upon Expression, General and Particular (London: John Smith, Edward Cooper, and David Mortier, 1701), pp. 1-10

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