Space, image, and reform in early modern art : the influence of Marcia Hall
Space, image, and reform in early modern art : the influence of Marcia Hall
(Studies in medieval and early modern culture, 77)
De Gruyter , Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, c2021
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Includes bibliographical references and index
The essays in Space, Image and Reform in Early Modern Art build on Marcia Hall's seminal contributions in several categories crucial for Renaissance studies, especially the spatiality of the church interior, the altarpiece's facture and affectivity, the notion of artistic style, and the controversy over images in the era of Counter Reform. Accruing the advantage of critical engagement with a single paradigm, this volume better assesses its applicability and range. The book works cumulatively to provide blocks of theoretical and empirical research on issues spanning the function and role of images in their contexts over two centuries. Relating Hall's investigations of Renaissance art to new fields, Space, Image and Reform expands the ideas at the center of her work further back in time, further afield, and deeper into familiar topics, thus achieving a cohesion not usually seen in edited volumes honoring a single scholar.
Foreword by Alexander Nagel Introduction by Arthur DiFuria and Ian Verstegen
Part I: Historiography & Methods
What Becomes a Legend Most? Correggio at the Crossroads of Biography and Style by Maureen Pelta
Bindo Altoviti, Patriot and Patron by Ingrid Rowland
On and Off the Sistine Ceiling with Marcia Hall and Leo Steinberg by Ian Verstegen
Part II: Spaces
Religious Reform, Sacred Space and Bad Behavior in Late Sixteenth-Century Orsanmichele by Joanne Allen
Taken on Faith: A Case Study for Questioning Sources by Rose Marie May
Part III: Images
Piero's Cross: Matter, Work, Image by Sarah Kozlowski
The Netherlandish Relieflike Style in the Age of Art by Art Di Furia
Bridging the Distance between the Sacred and Profane: Caravaggio and the Sacred Image by Anne Muraoka
Part IV: Reform
Beggared Ignudi: Notes on the Last Judgment of the Ideal Body by Stuart Lingo
Matthew Ory's De cultu imaginum (1552): An Edition with Translation by Wietse De Boer
The Artistic Apotheosis of Raphael by Tamara Smithers
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