Integrated optics: theory and applications : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland


Integrated optics: theory and applications : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland

Tadeusz Pustelny, Paul V. Lambeck, Christophe Gorecki, chairs/editors ; organized by SPIE Poland Chapter, SPIE Europe, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) ; sponsored by NEMO--Network of Excellence on Micro-Optics, European Office of Aerospace Research and Development ; cooperating organization, Military University of Technology

(Proceedings / SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering, v. 5956)

SPIE, c2005

  • pbk.


Theory and applications

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and author index



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  • Proceedings

    SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering

    SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering

