Human-robot intimate relationships


    • Cheok, Adrian David
    • Zhang, Emma Yann


Human-robot intimate relationships

Adrian David Cheok, Emma Yann Zhang

(Human-computer interaction series / editors-in-chief, Desney Tan, Jean Vanderdonckt)

Springer, c2019

  • : hbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references



The idea of humans falling in love with artificial beings is not a modern conception. Our relationship with artificial partners has come a long way since Pygmalion and his ivory lover. In recent years, there has been a strong upsurge of interest and discussions in the various aspects of intimate relationships between humans and artificial partners. This interest is evidenced by the increase in media coverage, TV documentaries and films on this topic, as well as the active research efforts within the academic community. This book provides a comprehensive collection and overview of the latest development in the field of intimate relationships between humans and artificial partners, in particular robots and virtual agents. It includes relevant research work undertaken by the authors, the latest advancements in technology and commercial products, and future predictions and insights from leading experts in the area. This book contains an in-depth discussion of the engineering, philosophical, psychological, ethical, and sociological implications of relationships with artificial companions. It also gives a glimpse of some future directions of artificial intelligence, human-computer love and sexual interaction, robotics engineering etc. It is a great resource for researchers and professionals working in these areas. The narrative style of the book also makes it an enjoyable and educational read for everyone.


An Overview of Love Between Humans and Artificial Partners.- History of Human-Robot Sex.- Lovotics - Touch Technologies for Intimate Communication.- Huggy Pajama: Remote Hug System for Family Communication.- Emotional Priming of Chat Messages with Ring-Shaped Wearable Device using Color Lighting and Tactile Expressions.- Confucius Computer Test - A Philosophical Partner for Intergenerational Philosophical Play.- Robot Prostitutes as Alternatives to Human Sex Workers.- Emotional Relationships with Robotic Companions.- Are Robots alive?.- Why Not Marry a Robot?.- Robots and Humans: Similar and Different Ways of Thinking.- The Ethical Treatment of Artificially Conscious Robots.

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