The present perfect in English : from semantic, evolutionary, and contrastive perspectives
The present perfect in English : from semantic, evolutionary, and contrastive perspectives
Kaitakusha, 2021
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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全13件
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Revised version of the author's doctoral dissertation -- Kwansei Gakuin University, 2010
Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-141) and index
- Introduction
- 1 The Present Perfect in Present‐day English
- 2 The Present Perfect and Grammaticalization in English
- 3 The Present Perfect and Grammaticalization in Chinese and Japanese
- 4 From Narrowed Current Relevance Towards Extended Current Relevance
- 5 The Present Perfect and Adverbials of Definite Past
- 6 Between the Present Perfect and the Preterite:An Analysis on the “I seen it” Pattern
- 7 Temporal Adverbials of Duration and the Continuative Perfect
- Conclusion
- Appendix The Present Perfect Co‐occurring with Adverbials of Definite Past in Spoken English
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