On a day of a month of the Fire Bird Year : Festschrift for Peter Schwieger on the occasion of his 65th birthday


On a day of a month of the Fire Bird Year : Festschrift for Peter Schwieger on the occasion of his 65th birthday

edited by Jeannine Bischoff, Petra Maurer & Charles Ramble

Lumbini International Research Institute, 2020

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Summary: The topics of the contributions include kingship, Imperial Tibet, grammar, the relationship between Tibet and Mongolia, China, India, Great Britain, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist art, history of Univ. of Bonn and Tibetan Yoga

"Peter Schwieger's publications": p. ix-xviii

Includes bibliographical references


  • 1. An introduction / Jeannine Bischoff
  • 2. Spiritual masters and master copies on the move : on a recently discovered manuscript edition of the Rnying ma rgyud ʾbum from East Tibet and its origin / Orna Almogi
  • 3. Yantra Yoga : ʾPhrul ʾkhor movements beyond deity and mandala / Saadet Arslan
  • 4. Two Ladakhi accounts of the enthronement of Maharaja Pratap Singh of Jammu & Kashmir in 1886 / John Bray and Tsering D. Gonkatsang
  • 5. Ram Bahadur Bomjon : a new Buddha in the making (Nepal)? / Katia Buffetrille
  • 6. Engaging the senses in the Tibetan tantric "Major practice session" (sgrub chen) / Cathy Cantwell
  • 7. Appearances can be deceptive : the case of Ngmpp at 61/21 / Michela Clemente
  • 8. Maudgalyāyana rettet seine Mutter aus der Hölle zur tibetischen Überlieferung der Erzählung / Siglinde Dietz und Helmut Eimer
  • 9. China's narrative of Tibet / Lobsang Diky
  • 10. Tibet und Japan während der letzten Phase der russischen Expansion in Asien / Karl-Heinz Golzio und Günther Distelrath
  • 11. Rope sliding and pole swirling in Lhasa : some remarks on the acrobatic performances of the traditional Gyalpo Losar / Thierry Dodin
  • 12. A note on the canonical attribution of treasure texts : Ratna gling pa and the Zangs gling ma / Lewis Doney
  • 13. Historiographical notes on the Zhal snga bkaʾ brgyud pa / Franz-Karl Ehrhard
  • 14. An indigenous Tibetan name for Mount Everest? / Isrun Engelhardt
  • 15. Sangs rgyas gling paʾs apokryphe Biographie des U-rgyan padma ʾbyung gnas : zur Drucklegung des 1512-13 erstellten Chos lung-Drucks des Rnam thar gser gyi phreng ba im Besitz der Staatbibliothek Berlin (HS. OR. 2346) / Karl-Heinz Everding
  • 16. A restricted Bon ritual and its Buddhist lineages / Kalsang Norbu Gurung
  • 17. Mandirs, maps and cosmologies : the role of landscape in Jaina art and identity / Julia A.B. Hegewald
  • 18. In need of donations : a letter written by Go rams pa to encourage the collecting of offerings in Eastern Tibet / Jörg Heimbel
  • 19. The poly sculpture of a golden Prajñāpāramitā : a historical, iconographic and aesthetic enigma / Amy Heller
  • 20. Codicological study of Tibetan historical documents from the André Alexander collection in the context of preservation of Tibetan archival heritage / Agnieszka Helman-Ważny
  • 21. A lasting legacy for Tibetan performing arts today : on the monks of Rme ru and Kun bde gling performing drama in Lhasa in the first half of the 20th century / Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy
  • 22. Law and order during the Lhasa great prayer festival / Berthe Jansen
  • 23. The Jātakamālā of Āryaśūra with the supplement of the third Rgyal dbang karma pa rang byung rdo rje / Matthew T. Kapstein
  • 24. Nachlese zu Berthold Laufers Za ma tog unter Berücksichtigung des Mongolischen / Rodolf Kaschewsky
  • 25. Negotiating the Buddhist future : Rdo rje shugs ldan in Mongolia / Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz
  • 26. Ballade vom Mann auf der Treppe für Peter Schwieger zum 65. Jahr / Wolfgang Kubin
  • 27. A case of upward social mobility in fourteenth century Tibet in text-historical context : Dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan (1292-1361) in confidnce to Mi nyag rin chen bzang po (1317-1383) / Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp
  • 28. William Edmund Hay : the pioneer of Tibetan studies who sold his fame / Diana Lange
  • 29. How to strengthen the scholar's back? : reflections on rgyab, back and related terms / Petra Maurer
  • 30. The beginnings of colonial rule in Sikkim : according to the council minute books / Alex Mckay
  • 31. An explanation of ankka and kilbar in the "White history" / Borjigidai Oyunbilig
  • 32. The making of Tibetan law : the Khrims gnyis lta baʾi me long / Fernanda Pirie
  • 33. Zwischen Ohnmacht und Widerstand : Erinnerungstexte zur Geschichte Osttibets 1950/51 / Teresa Raffelsberger
  • 34. Longing for retirement : the testament of Chos mdzad nyi shar, the last Ya ngal / Charles Ramble
  • 35. Explaining the Dalai Lama to the Tibetans : Basil Gould's report on the enthronement of the 14th Dalai Lama / Ulrike Roesler
  • 36. Ein authentisches Attribut / Veronika Ronge
  • 37. Der Geisterklub der Bonner Universität : Zirkel schwarzer Magie oder professorale Ideenbörse? / Christine Schirrmacher
  • 38. Tibetan letter-writing manuals of the Dgaʾ ldan pho brang era as reflected through their authors / Hanna Schneider
  • 39. Eine Abteilung mit vielen Gesichtern : die Geschichte der sino-tibetischen Maske in der Abteilung für Mongolistik und Tibetstudien / Eva Seidel
  • 40. The identity of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty and the mchod yon relationship between the great Mongol khans and Tibetan lamas in medieval Tibetan historiography : a study based on the close reading Rgya bod yig tshang / Weirong Shen
  • 41. Two Vajra statements of the single intention on delusion (Tib. gti mug, Skt. moha ) / Jan-Ulrich Sobisch
  • 42. Srong btsan sgam po : historische Figur vs. Darstellung in tibetischen Schulbuchtexten : ein Vergleich mit ausgewählten Schulbuchtexten aus dem tibetischen Exil und der VR China / Syrhoi Sou
  • 43. Changing emblems of social domination : a brief note on Tibetan aristocratic crests in the first half of the 20th century / Alice Travers
  • 44. Shamanism and Buddhism in Mongolia : religious and political aspects from an historian's point of view / Veronika Veit
  • 45. Lha sa's hectic years ca. 975-1160 / Roberto Vitali
  • 46. Zwei Buddhismusforscher im Streit : Edmund Hardy und Joseph Dahlmann / Ulrich Vollmer
  • 47. Po ti lcags lung ma : the largest Tibetan book in a po ti format / Dorji Wangchuk
  • 48. Von ʾPhags-pa zu Saγang sečen : ein Spiel mit Ort und Zeit / Michael Weiers
  • 49. Translating Sanskrit Buddhism for the East Aian world : a lesson for the contemporary? : Kunwar narain's epical Hindi poem Kumārjīv (2015) / Heinz Werner Wessler

