
Encyclopedia of early modern history

edited by Friedrich Jaeger ; in collaboration with the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen and the area editors

Brill, c2018

English ed. / [edited by] Andrew Gow

  • v. 6 : hardback


Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit


Originally published in German, 2005-2012

Vol. 6. Geodesy-Indulgences

Includes bibliographical references



Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.


Geodesy Geography Geology Geometry Gerichtsbote German Confederation German Dualism German Historical School German law, studies of German New Humanism German Revolution (1848/9) German unification Germani, myth of Germania illustrata Gerontocracy Gesture Gewerke Ghetto Ghost Gichtelians Gift Girls' school Glass Global commodity Global interaction Globe Glorious Revolution Gloss Gnomic discourse Goat God God, concepts of God, proof of Godparenthood Gold Gold standard Golden Age Gossen's Laws Gossip Gothic Romanticism Gothicism Governess Government Government law Grace Graduation tower Grain Grammar Grand Canal (China) Grand pensionary Grand Tour Grandparents Gravamina Graveyard Great Awakening Great Fear Great Wall Greatness Greek Orthodox Church Greek studies Greetings Gresham's Law Grotesque Guard, town Guardianship Guerrilla Guidebook Guild Guild artifacts Guilder (gold) Guildhall Guillotine Gunpowder Gutsherrschaft Gymnasium (school) Gymnastics Gymnastics Movement Gynecology Habeas corpus Hacienda Hagestolz Hagiography Hail Hair Haitian Revolution Haken Halsgerichtsordnung Hambach Festival Hammer Hanseatic League Happiness Harbor Harbor crane Harem Harmoniemusik Harmony Harmony and composition, theory of Harness Harvest Haskalah Hassidism Hausmusik Hausvaterliteratur Headgear Health Health culture, global Health insurance Healthcare, public Heating Heaven Hebrew studies Hegelianism Hegemony Heliocentric model Hell Herbals Herbarium Herdsman Hereditary enemy Heredity Heresy Hermeneutics Hermeticism Hero, heroine Heroic novel Heroic poetry Highway robbery Hinduism Historia literaria Historian Historical consciousness Historical drama Historical method Historical monuments, preservation of Historical novel Historical painting Historical School (German) Historical traditions beyond Europe Historicism Historiography History History (intellectual discipline) History, conception of History, philosophy of History, regional History, theology of History, town Holidays Holy Alliance Holy Roman Empire (of the German Nation) Holy Sepulcher Homage Homeopathy Homeric Question Homiletics Homosexuality Honnete homme, honnete femme Honor Honor, loss of Honor, noble Honorarium Honors and decorations Hops Horse Hosier Hospital Hospitality Hostage Hour Hours, liturgy of House laws Household Household economy Housewife Hufe (hide) Huguenots Human dignity Human rights Human/citizens' rights, declarations of Humanism Humanism, legal Humanism, medical Humanities Humanity Humankind, human being Humoralism Hunting Hybrid Hydraulic energy Hydraulic engineering Hydrodynamics Hygiene Hymn (church anthem) Hymn (genre) Hymnal Hypothekenbank Hypothesis Hysteria Iatroastrology Iatrochemistry (chymiatria) Iatrophysics Iconoclasm Iconography Idea Ideal city Idealism Identity Idleness Idyll Illegitimacy Illiteracy Illness Illuminati Illusionism Imagerie populaire Imagination Immigration Immortality Immunity Impeachment Imperial ban Imperial chancellery Imperial circles Imperial constitution Imperial immediacy Imperial knights Imperial legislation Import Impot unique Improvisation In dubio pro reo Incapacity, legal Incas Incest Incidental music Income distribution Incunabula Indentured labor Independence, judicial Index librorum prohibitorum India trade Indian churches Indian Ocean Indio Indirect rule Individuality Indology Indulgences

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