Reforming state-owned enterprises in Asia : challenges and solutions


Reforming state-owned enterprises in Asia : challenges and solutions

Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary ... [et al.], editors

(ADB Institute series on development economics / series editor, Naoyuki Yoshino)

Springer, c2021

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



"ADB Institute"

Includes bibliographical references



This book analyzes state-owned enterprises (SOEs), which are still significant players in many Asian economies. They provide essential public services, build and operate key infrastructure, and are often reservoirs of public employment. Their characteristics and inherent competitive advantages as publicly owned enterprises allow them to play these critical roles. Their weaknesses in governance and inefficiencies in incentive structures, however, also often lead to poor performance. SOEs must be efficient, transparent, and accountable to level the playing field for private companies, secure the growth of a vibrant private sector, and achieve sustained and inclusive economic growth. This book analyzes the reform of SOEs in Asia, the results of which are mixed. The volume concludes that some key conditions generally need to be met for SOE reforms to be successful: national bureaucracies must have the capacity to implement the reforms, and adverse impacts on international trade and investment must be avoided.


Section 1: Corporate Governance, Strategy and the Legal framework Chapter 1: Strategy, Independence, and Governance of State-owned Enterprises in Asia Henrique Schneider Chapter 2: Enhancing the Transparency and Accountability of State-Owned Enterprises Chung-a Park and Hans Christiansen Chapter 3: Regulatory Frameworks for Reforms of State-Owned Enterprises in Thailand and Malaysia Pornchai Wisuttisak and Nasarudin Bin Abdul Rahman Chapter 4: Reforming State-owned Enterprises in Asia: Lessons from Competition Law and Policy in India Vijay Kumar Singh Chapter 5: State-owned Enterprises in Uzbekistan: Taking Stock and Some Reform Priorities Umidjon Abdullaev Section 2: Privatization: Challenges and Solutions Chapter 6: The Effects of Privatization and Corporate Governance of SOEs in Transition Economy: Case of Kazakhstan Keun Jung Lee Chapter 7: The Privatization of Japan Railway and Japan Post: Why, How, and Now Chul Ju Kim and Michael C. Huang Chapter 8: Reform and Privatization of State Owned Enterprises in India Kunmin Kim and N. Panchanatham Chapter 9: Privatization of Iranian State-Owned Enterprises: Barriers and Policy Recommendations Mohsen Fazelian, Hooman Peimani, and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary Section 3: Evaluation of Performance and Country Studies Chapter 10. Necessity of Developing a Comprehensive Evaluation Framework for SOEs Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Naoyuki Yoshino, Chul Ju Kim, Aline Mortha Chapter 11: Is the Management Evaluation System of State-Owned Enterprises in the Republic of Korea a Good Tool for Better Performance? Jhungsoo Park, Jina Kim, Chul Ju Kim Chapter 12: State-owned Enterprise Reform in Viet Nam: Progress and Challenges Le Ngoc Dang, Dinh Dung, and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary Chapter 13: State-owned Enterprises and Cluster-based Industrialization: Evidence from Bangladesh Monzur Hossain Chapter 14: State-Owned Enterprises in Singapore: Performance and Policy Recommendations Youngho Chang Chapter 15: Obstacles to Doing Business in Asia: Cross-Country Analysis for State-Owned Enterprises and Private Firms Thai-Ha Le, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, and Canh Phuc Nguyen Chapter 16: State-Ownership and Nationalisation in the Energy Sector: The Case Of Kazakhstan's Oil Industry Serik Orazgaliyev

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  • ISBN
    • 9789811585739
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xvi, 341 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID