Training the body : perspectives from religion, physical culture and sport


Training the body : perspectives from religion, physical culture and sport

edited by David Torevell, Clive Palmer and Paul Rowan

(Routledge research in sport, culture and society)

Routledge, 2022

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



Offers a unique investigation into the subject. Fills a gap in the market. Enhances understanding of the role and significance of the body in sporting and religious practices. Uses a comparative analysis of the body in training, within sport and religion, to gain insight into the performative, social, cultural and gendered aspects of somatic discipline and exercise.


Introduction, Part I: Personhood, 1. 'Giving the Best of Yourself' in Sports: The Catholic Church's Attention to Sports in Past and Present, 2. Holy Marathon - 'Running Religion'?: Religious Interpretations of Body Vulnerability in the Context of Marathons, 3. Gaining Balance in Religious Training: What Might Sports and Physical Culture Coaches Learn from This?, Part II: Virtue, 4. Corporeal Enhancement and Sport's Spiritual Dimension: A Virtue Ethics Proposal, 5. Training the Body (Stretching the Mind) and Moulding the Spirit: Sport, Christian Asceticism and Life as Self-Gift, 6. Towards an A to Z of Faith in Sport, Part III: Asceticism and Aesthetics, 7. Aesthetics and Symbolism in Artistic Gymnastics: From Martial Discipline to Ritual Practices Embodied in Performance, 8. The Metaphysical Framework of Transformational Combat in Eastern Religions and Martial Arts: Implications for Sports and Physical Culture Training, Part IV: Education, Gender and Mental Health, 9. On the Bodies of Children: The Troubling Messages of American Youth Sports, 10. Jewish Women and Physical Culture Training at Various Jewish Ys in Early Twentieth-Century American Culture, 11. Promoting Western sport and PE ideas in China: Lessons Learned and Future Directions, Concluding Remarks: Making Connections, Questions for Discussion and Reflection

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