Advances in questionnaire design, development, evaluation, and testing


    • Beatty, Paul C.
    • Collins, Debbie
    • Kaye, Lyn
    • Padilla, Jose-Luis
    • Willis, Gordon B.
    • Wilmot, Amanda
    • International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing


Advances in questionnaire design, development, evaluation, and testing

edited by Paul C. Beatty ... [et al.]

Wiley, 2020

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"The chapters in this volume were all invited papers at the Second International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing (QDET2), which was held in Miami, Florida, November 9-13, 2016"--Preface

Includes bibliographical references and index

Other editors: Debbie Collins, Lyn Kaye, Jose-Luis Padilla, Gordon B. Willis, Amanda Wilmot



A new and updated definitive resource for survey questionnaire testing and evaluation Building on the success of the first Questionnaire Development, Evaluation, and Testing (QDET) conference in 2002, this book brings together leading papers from the Second International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing (QDET2) held in 2016. The volume assesses the current state of the art and science of QDET; examines the importance of methodological attention to the questionnaire in the present world of information collection; and ponders how the QDET field can anticipate new trends and directions as information needs and data collection methods continue to evolve. Featuring contributions from international experts in survey methodology, Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing includes latest insights on question characteristics, usability testing, web probing, and other pretesting approaches, as well as: Recent developments in the design and evaluation of digital and self-administered surveys Strategies for comparing and combining questionnaire evaluation methods Approaches for cross-cultural and cross-national questionnaire development New data sources and methodological innovations during the last 15 years Case studies and practical applications Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing serves as a forum to prepare researchers to meet the next generation of challenges, making it an excellent resource for researchers and practitioners in government, academia, and the private sector.


List of Contributors xvii Preface xxiii Part I Assessing the Current Methodology for Questionnaire Design, Development, Testing, and Evaluation 1 1 Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing: Where are We, and Where are We Headed? 3 Gordon B. Willis 1.1 Current State of the Art and Science of QDET 3 1.2 Relevance of QDET in the Evolving World of Surveys 11 1.3 Looking Ahead: Further Developments in QDET 16 1.4 Conclusion 19 References 20 2 Asking the Right Questions in the Right Way: Six Needed Changes in Questionnaire Evaluation and Testing Methods 25 Don A. Dillman 2.1 Personal Experiences with Cognitive Interviews and Focus Groups 25 2.2 My 2002 Experience at QDET 29 2.3 Six Changes in Survey Research that Require New Perspectives on Questionnaire Evaluation and Testing 33 2.4 Conclusion 42 References 43 3 A Framework for Making Decisions about Question Evaluation Methods 47 Roger Tourangeau, Aaron Maitland, Darby Steiger, and Ting Yan 3.1 Introduction 47 3.2 Expert Reviews 48 3.3 Laboratory Methods 51 3.4 Field Methods 55 3.5 Statistical Modeling for Data Quality 59 3.6 Comparing Different Methods 63 3.7 Recommendations 67 References 69 4 A Comparison of Five Question Evaluation Methods in Predicting the Validity of Respondent Answers to Factual Items 75 Aaron Maitland and Stanley Presser 4.1 Introduction 75 4.2 Methods 76 4.3 Results 79 4.4 Discussion 84 References 85 5 Combining Multiple Question Evaluation Methods: What Does tt Mean When the Data Appear to Conflict? 91 Jo d'Ardenne and Debbie Collins 5.1 Introduction 91 5.2 Questionnaire Development Stages 92 5.3 Selection of Case Studies 93 5.4 Case Study 1: Conflicting Findings Between Focus Groups and Cognitive Interviews 95 5.5 Case Study 2: Conflicting Findings Between Eye-Tracking, Respondent Debriefing Questions, and Interviewer Feedback 97 5.6 Case Study 3: Complementary Findings Between Cognitive Interviews and Interviewer Feedback 100 5.7 Case Study 4: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Data to Assess Changes to a Travel Diary 104 5.8 Framework of QT Methods 110 5.9 Summary and Discussion 110 References 114 Part II Question Characteristics, Response Burden, and Data Quality 117 6 The Role of Question Characteristics in Designing and Evaluating Survey Questions 119 Jennifer Dykema, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Dana Garbarski, and Michael Hout 6.1 Introduction 119 6.2 Overview of Some of the Approaches Used to Conceptualize, Measure, and Code Question Characteristics 120 6.3 Taxonomy of Question Characteristics 127 6.4 Case Studies 132 6.5 Discussion 141 Acknowledgments 147 References 148 7 Exploring the Associations Between Question Characteristics, Respondent Characteristics, Interviewer Performance Measures, and Survey Data Quality 153 James M. Dahlhamer, Aaron Maitland, Heather Ridolfo, Antuane Allen, and Dynesha Brooks 7.1 Introduction 153 7.2 Methods 157 7.3 Results 174 7.4 Discussion 182 Disclaimer 191 References 191 8 Response Burden: What is it and What Predicts It? 193 Ting Yan, Scott Fricker, and Shirley Tsai 8.1 Introduction 193 8.2 Methods 197 8.3 Results 202 8.4 Conclusions and Discussion 206 Acknowledgments 210 References 210 9 The Salience of Survey Burden and Its Effect on Response Behavior to Skip Questions: Experimental Results from Telephone and Web Surveys 213 Frauke Kreuter, Stephanie Eckman, and Roger Tourangeau 9.1 Introduction 213 9.2 Study Designs and Methods 216 9.3 Manipulating the Interleafed Format 219 9.4 Discussion and Conclusion 224 Acknowledgments 226 References 227 10 A Comparison of Fully Labeled and Top-Labeled Grid Question Formats 229 Jolene D. Smyth and Kristen Olson 10.1 Introduction 229 10.2 Data and Methods 236 10.3 Findings 243 10.4 Discussion and Conclusions 253 Acknowledgments 254 References 255 11 The Effects of Task Difficulty and Conversational Cueing on Answer Formatting Problems in Surveys 259 Yfke Ongena and Sanne Unger 11.1 Introduction 259 11.2 Factors Contributing to Respondents' Formatting Problems 262 11.3 Hypotheses 267 11.4 Method and Data 268 11.5 Results 275 11.6 Discussion and Conclusion 278 11.7 Further Expansion of the Current Study 281 11.8 Conclusions 282 References 283 Part III Improving Questionnaires on the Web and Mobile Devices 287 12 A Compendium of Web and Mobile Survey Pretesting Methods 289 Emily Geisen and Joe Murphy 12.1 Introduction 289 12.2 Review of Traditional Pretesting Methods 290 12.3 Emerging Pretesting Methods 294 References 308 13 Usability Testing Online Questionnaires: Experiences at the U.S. Census Bureau 315 Elizabeth Nichols, Erica Olmsted-Hawala, Temika Holland, and Amy Anderson Riemer 13.1 Introduction 315 13.2 History of Usability Testing Self-Administered Surveys at the US Census Bureau 316 13.3 Current Usability Practices at the Census Bureau 317 13.4 Participants: "Real Users, Not User Stories" 320 13.5 Building Usability Testing into the Development Life Cycle 323 13.6 Measuring Accuracy 327 13.7 Measuring Efficiency 331 13.8 Measuring Satisfaction 335 13.9 Retrospective Probing and Debriefing 337 13.10 Communicating Findings with the Development Team 339 13.11 Assessing Whether Usability Test Recommendations Worked 340 13.12 Conclusions 341 References 341 14 How Mobile Device Screen Size Affects Data Collected in Web Surveys 349 Daniele Toninelli and Melanie Revilla 14.1 Introduction 349 14.2 Literature Review 350 14.3 Our Contribution and Hypotheses 352 14.4 Data Collection and Method 355 14.5 Main Results 361 14.6 Discussion 368 Acknowledgments 369 References 370 15 Optimizing Grid Questions for Smartphones: A Comparison of Optimized and Non-Optimized Designs and Effects on Data Quality on Different Devices 375 Trine Dale and Heidi Walsoe 15.1 Introduction 375 15.2 The Need for Change in Questionnaire Design Practices 376 15.3 Contribution and Research Questions 378 15.4 Data Collection and Methodology 380 15.5 Main Results 386 15.6 Discussion 392 Acknowledgments 397 References 397 16 Learning from Mouse Movements: Improving Questionnaires and Respondents' User Experience Through Passive Data Collection 403 Rachel Horwitz, Sarah Brockhaus, Felix Henninger, Pascal J. Kieslich, Malte Schierholz, Florian Keusch, and Frauke Kreuter 16.1 Introduction 403 16.2 Background 404 16.3 Data 409 16.4 Methodology 410 16.5 Results 415 16.6 Discussion 420 References 423 17 Using Targeted Embedded Probes to Quantify Cognitive Interviewing Findings 427 Paul Scanlon 17.1 Introduction 427 17.2 The NCHS Research and Development Survey 431 17.3 Findings 433 17.4 Discussion 445 References 448 18 The Practice of Cognitive Interviewing Through Web Probing 451 Stephanie Fowler and Gordon B. Willis 18.1 Introduction 451 18.2 Methodological Issues in the Use of Web Probing for Pretesting 452 18.3 Testing the Effect of Probe Placement 453 18.4 Analyses of Responses to Web Probes 455 18.5 Qualitative Analysis of Responses to Probes 459 18.6 Qualitative Coding of Responses 459 18.7 Current State of the Use of Web Probes 462 18.8 Limitations 465 18.9 Recommendations for the Application and Further Evaluation of Web Probes 466 18.10 Conclusion 468 Acknowledgments 468 References 468 Part IV Cross-Cultural and Cross-National Questionnaire Design and Evaluation 471 19 Optimizing Questionnaire Design in Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Surveys 473 Tom W. Smith 19.1 Introduction 473 19.2 The Total Survey Error Paradigm and Comparison Error 474 19.3 Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines and Resources 477 19.4 Translation 478 19.5 Developing Comparative Scales 480 19.6 Focus Groups and Pretesting in Cross-National/Cultural Surveys 483 19.7 Tools for Developing and Managing Cross-National Surveys 484 19.8 Resources for Developing and Testing Cross-National Measures 485 19.9 Pre- and Post-Harmonization 486 19.10 Conclusion 488 References 488 20 A Model for Cross-National Questionnaire Design and Pretesting 493 Rory Fitzgerald and Diana Zavala-Rojas 20.1 Introduction 493 20.2 Background 493 20.3 The European Social Survey 495 20.4 ESS Questionnaire Design Approach 496 20.5 Critique of the Seven-Stage Approach 497 20.6 A Model for Cross-National Questionnaire Design and Pretesting 497 20.7 Evaluation of the Model for Cross-National Questionnaire Design and Pretesting Using the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) 501 20.8 Conclusions 512 References 514 21 Cross-National Web Probing: An Overview of Its Methodology and Its Use in Cross-National Studies 521 Dorothee Behr, Katharina Meitinger, Michael Braun, and Lars Kaczmirek 21.1 Introduction 521 21.2 Cross-National Web Probing - Its Goal, Strengths, and Weaknesses 523 21.3 Access to Respondents Across Countries: The Example of Online Access Panels and Probability-Based Panels 526 21.4 Implementation of Standardized Probes 527 21.5 Translation and Coding Answers to Cross-Cultural Probes 532 21.6 Substantive Results 533 21.7 Cross-National Web Probing and Its Application Throughout the Survey Life Cycle 536 21.8 Conclusions and Outlook 538 Acknowledgments 539 References 539 22 Measuring Disability Equality in Europe: Design and Development of the European Health and Social Integration Survey Questionnaire 545 Amanda Wilmot 22.1 Introduction 545 22.2 Background 546 22.3 Questionnaire Design 548 22.4 Questionnaire Development and Testing 553 22.5 Survey Implementation 560 22.6 Lessons Learned 563 22.7 Final Reflections 566 Acknowledgments 567 References 567 Part V Extensions and Applications 571 23 Regression-Based Response Probing for Assessing the Validity of Survey Questions 573 Patrick Sturgis, Ian Brunton-Smith, and Jonathan Jackson 23.1 Introduction 573 23.2 Cognitive Methods for Assessing Question Validity 574 23.3 Regression-Based Response Probing 577 23.4 Example 1: Generalized Trust 579 23.5 Example 2: Fear of Crime 580 23.6 Data 581 23.7 Discussion 586 References 588 24 The Interplay Between Survey Research and Psychometrics, with a Focus on Validity Theory 593 Bruno D. Zumbo and Jose-Luis Padilla 24.1 Introduction 593 24.2 An Over-the-Shoulder Look Back at Validity Theory and Validation Practices with an Eye toward Describing Contemporary Validity Theories 595 24.3 An Approach to Validity that Bridges Psychometrics and Survey Design 602 24.4 Closing Remarks 606 References 608 25 Quality-Driven Approaches for Managing Complex Cognitive Testing Projects 613 Martha Stapleton, Darby Steiger, and Mary C. Davis 25.1 Introduction 613 25.2 Characteristics of the Four Cognitive Testing Projects 614 25.3 Identifying Detailed, Quality-Driven Management Approaches for Qualitative Research 615 25.4 Identifying Principles for Developing Quality-Driven Management Approaches 616 25.5 Applying the Concepts of Transparency and Consistency 617 25.6 The 13 Quality-Driven Management Approaches 618 25.7 Discussion and Conclusion 632 References 634 26 Using Iterative, Small-Scale Quantitative and Qualitative Studies: A Review of 15 Years of Research to Redesign a Major US Federal Government Survey 639 Joanne Pascale 26.1 Introduction 639 26.2 Measurement Issues in Health Insurance 641 26.3 Methods and Results 645 26.4 Discussion 660 26.5 Final Reflections 663 References 664 27 Contrasting Stylized Questions of Sleep with Diary Measures from the American Time Use Survey 671 Robin L. Kaplan, Brandon Kopp, and Polly Phipps 27.1 Introduction 671 27.2 The Sleep Gap 672 27.3 The Present Research 674 27.4 Study 1: Behavior Coding 675 27.5 Study 2: Cognitive Interviews 678 27.6 Study 3: Quantitative Study 682 27.7 Study 4: Validation Study 686 27.8 General Discussion 689 27.9 Implications and Future Directions 692 References 692 28 Questionnaire Design Issues in Mail Surveys of All Adults in a Household 697 Douglas Williams, J. Michael Brick, W. Sherman Edwards, and Pamela Giambo 28.1 Introduction 697 28.2 Background 698 28.3 The NCVS and Mail Survey Design Challenges 699 28.4 Field Test Methods and Design 704 28.5 Outcome Measures 706 28.6 Findings 708 28.7 Summary 716 28.8 Discussion 716 28.9 Conclusion 719 References 720 29 Planning Your Multimethod Questionnaire Testing Bento Box: Complementary Methods for a Well-Balanced Test 723 Jaki S. McCarthy 29.1 Introduction 723 29.2 A Questionnaire Testing Bento Box 725 29.3 Examples from the Census of Agriculture Questionnaire Testing Bento Box 733 29.4 Conclusion 743 References 744 30 Flexible Pretesting on a Tight Budget: Using Multiple Dependent Methods to Maximize Effort-Return Trade-Offs 749 Matt Jans, Jody L. Herman, Joseph Viana, David Grant, Royce Park, Bianca D.M. Wilson, Jane Tom, Nicole Lordi, and Sue Holtby 30.1 Introduction 749 30.2 Evolution of a Dependent Pretesting Approach for Gender Identity Measurement 752 30.3 Analyzing and Synthesizing Results 759 30.4 Discussion 764 Acknowledgments 766 References 766 Index 769

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