
Language and text : data, models, information and applications

edited by Adam Pawłowski ... [et al.]

(Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, ser. 4 . Current issues in linguistic theory ; v. 356)

J. Benjamins, c2021

  • : hb

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Summary: "Specialists in quantitative linguistics the world over have recourse to a solid and universal methodology. These days, their methods and mathematical models must also respond to new communication phenomena and the flood of data produced daily. While various disciplines (computer science, media science) have different ways of processing this onslaught of information, the linguistic approach is arguably the most relevant and effective. This book includes recent results from many renowned contemporary practitioners in the field. Our target audiences are academics, researchers, graduate students, and others involved in linguistics, digital humanities, and applied mathematics"-- Provided by publisher

Other editors: Jan Mačutek, Sheila Embleton, George Mikros

Includes bibliographical references and index



Specialists in quantitative linguistics the world over have recourse to a solid and universal methodology. These days, their methods and mathematical models must also respond to new communication phenomena and the flood of data produced daily. While various disciplines (computer science, media science) have different ways of processing this onslaught of information, the linguistic approach is arguably the most relevant and effective. This book includes recent results from many renowned contemporary practitioners in the field. Our target audiences are academics, researchers, graduate students, and others involved in linguistics, digital humanities, and applied mathematics.

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