Demographics of exoplanetary systems : lecture notes of the 3rd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science


    • Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science
    • Biazzo, Katia
    • Bozza, Valerio
    • Mancini, Luigi
    • Sozzetti, Alessandro


Demographics of exoplanetary systems : lecture notes of the 3rd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science

Katia Biazzo, Valerio Bozza, Luigi Mancini, Alessandro Sozzetti, editors

(Astrophysics and space science library, v. 466)

Springer, c2022

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references



This book provides a detailed, state-of-the-art overview of key observational and theoretical aspects of the rapidly developing and highly interdisciplinary field of exoplanet science, as viewed through the lenses of eight world-class experts. It equips readers with a broad understanding of the complex processes driving the formation and the physical and dynamical evolution of planetary systems. It juxtaposes theoretical modeling with the host of techniques that are unveiling the exceptional variety of observed properties of close-in and wide-separation extrasolar planets. By effectively linking ingenious interpretative analyses to the main factors shaping planetary populations, the book ultimately provides the most coherent picture to date of the demographics of exoplanetary systems. It is an essential reference for Ph.D. students and early-stage career researchers, while the scope and depth of its source material also provide excellent cues for graduate-level courses.


Chapter 1:Exoplanet formation by Alessandro Morbidelli, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, France 1.1 Protoplanetary disks structure and evolution 1.1.1 Passive disks 1.1.2 Viscous alpha disks 1.1.3 Origin of viscosity 1.1.4 Disk wind dominated disks 1.2 Dust dynamics 1.2.1 Coagulation 1.2.2 Drift 1.2.3 Trapping in pressure maxima 1.2.4 Streaming instability .3. Accretion of protoplanets 1.3.1 Runaway growth 1.3.2 Oligarchic growth 1.3.3 Pebble accretion 1.4. Type I migration 1.4.1 Lindblad torque 1.4.2 Vortensity and entropy driven corotation torques 1.4.3 Other torques 1.4.4 Migration traps 1.5. Gas accretion and Type II migration 1.5.1 Gas flow in the vicinity of a planet 1.5.2 Hydrostatic contraction of an envelope 1.5.3 Gap opening due to gas repulsion and gas accretion 1.5.4 Migration of giant planets in disks with large or small viscosities 1.6. Resonance trapping during migration 1.6.1 Structure of mean motion resonances 1.6.2 Resonant dynamics during convergent migration 1.6.3 Overstability Chapter 2: Exoplanet dynamics by Sean Raymond, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, France 2.1 Observational constraints and key processes 2.1.1 Constraints from the structure of the Solar System 2.1.2 Meteorites 2.1.3 Observations of protoplanetary and debris disks 2.1.4 Observations of exoplanets 2.1.5 Planet formation models 2.1.6 Planet population synthesis modeling 2.2 Hot super-Earths 2.2.1 Constraints 2.2.2 Formation models 2.2.3 In-situ growth vs migration vs inside-out growth 2.3 Giant exoplanets 2.3.1 Formation 2.3.2 Planet-planet scattering 2.3.3 Migration 2.3.4 Origin models for hot Jupiters 2.4 The standard timeline of Solar System formation 2.4.1 The classical model of terrestrial planet formation 2.4.2 The "small Mars" problem 2.4.3 The Nice model 2.5 Alternatives to the classical model 2.5.1 the Grand Tack 2.5.2 Low-mass asteroid belt 2.5.3 Early instability models 2.5.4 Dust drift and planetesimal formation 2.6 Water on Exoplanets 2.6.1 Origin of Earth's water 2.6.2 Water on rocky exoplanets 2.6.3 The diversity of processes and what they predict Chapter 3: Close-in Exoplanets by Andrew W. Howard, California Institute of Technology, USA 3.1 Radial velocity and transit measurement techniques 3.1.1 RV measurements and fitting 3.1.2 Transit measurements and fitting (needed for later lectures) 3.2 Mass, size, and period distributions 3.2.1 Mass distribution of giant planets 3.2.2 Mass distribution of small planets 3.2.3 Size distribution of planets 3.2.4 Orbital period / semi-major axis distributions 3.2.5 Frequency of Habitable Zone planets 3.3 Eccentricity distribution 3.3.1 Origin of eccentricities 3.3.2 Measurement of eccentricities 3.3.3 Giant planet eccentricities 3.3.4 Small planet eccentricities 3.4 Orbital inclination and obliquity 3.4.1 Measurement of inclination and obliquity 3.4.2 Obliquities from Rossiter-McLaughlin and other techniques 3.4.3 Mutual inclinations 3.4.4 Dynamical origins for orbital inclinations 3.5 Planet multiplicity 3.5.1 Intra-system similarity for Kepler multi-planet systems 3.5.2 Singles vs. Multisystems 3.5.3 The Kepler 'Dichotomy' 3.6 Ultra-short period planets - distributions and properties 3.6.1 Discovery of USPs - history and initial measurements 3.6.2 Period, size, and mass distributions 3.6.3 Other properties 3.6.4 Physical origins of USPs Chapter 4: Wide-separation Exoplanets by Scott Gaudi, Ohio State University, USA 4.1 Methods of constraining the demographics of planets. 4.1.1 Five main methods of detecting and determining the demographics of exoplanets 4.1.2 Sensitives and selection effects of the five major methods 4.1.3 Methods of calculating unbiased demographics using all five methods 4.1.4 Overlap of the five methods 4.2 The Snow Line and its importance in planet formation theories 4.2.1 What is the snow line? 4.2.2 How is the location of the snow line estimated theoretically? 4.2.3 What are the uncertainties in estimating the location of the snow line? 4.2.4 What are the current and future prospects for estimating the location of the snow line observationally? 4.3 What have direct imaging and microlensing surveys taught us about the demographics of long-period exoplanets? 4.3.1 Lessons learned from first generation Microlensing surveys 4.3.2 Lessons learned from second generation Microlensing surveys 4.3.3 Lessons learned from ground-based direct imaging surveys 4.3.4 Do the results of direct imaging surveys indicate that there are methods of planet formation? 4.4 Results on the demographics of long-period planets from other detection methods and synthesis. 4.4.2 Long baseline RV surveys 4.4.3 Transit surveys: past, present, and future 4.4.4 Synthesizing results from various methods 4.5 The global context of our understanding of planet formation and demographics. 4.5.1 What are the basic results on: The mass function of long period planets The separation distribution of long period planets The population of free-floating planets Comparison with theories of planet formation 4.6 What does the future hold? 4.6.1 TESS 4.6.2 Gaia 4.6.3 WFIRST 4.6.4 PLATO 4.6.5 Reflected Light direct Imaging Mission Chapter 5: Star-Planet interaction by Antonino F. Lanza, INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Italy 5.1 Star-planet tidal interaction 5.1.1 Equilibrium tides 5.1.2 Dynamic tides 5.1.3 Evolution of stellar angular momentum under the effects of stellar winds 5.2 Tides and the evolution of exoplanets 5.2.1 Evolution of orbital and spin parameters 5.2.2 Tidal energy dissipation inside planets 5.3 Stellar irradiation and planet atmosphere evaporation 5.3.1 Characteristics of stellar high-energy radiation and its relationship with stellar magnetic fields 5.3.2 Simple models of planetary atmosphere evaporation 5.3.3 Impact of irradiation and evaporation on planet evolution 5.4 Star-planet magnetic interactions and their impact on exoplanets 5.4.1 Stellar magnetic field 5.4.2 Planetary magnetic field 5.4.3 Interaction between stellar and planetary magnetic fields 5.4.4 Possible effects of close-by planets on stellar magnetic activity

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  • ISBN
    • 9783030881238
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xi, 291 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID