Reforming pedagogy in Cambodia : local construction of global pedagogies


Reforming pedagogy in Cambodia : local construction of global pedagogies

Takayo Ogisu

(Education in the Asia-Pacific region, 62)

Springer Nature Singapore, c2022

  • : hbk



This book presents a sociocultural account of logic, or a pedagogy, that governs Cambodian education, from policy-making to classroom practices. In so doing, it seeks to not only provide an introduction to Cambodian education, but also to help readers understand the complexities involved in reforming educational practices by drawing on an ethnographic multi-level case study of an ongoing pedagogical reform policy. The book reveals what is actually taking place in today's Cambodian classrooms and how actors view their own practices in response to the new pedagogy. Importantly, the book situates Cambodian pedagogical reform efforts amid the global wave of student-centered pedagogies and sheds new light on the political economy of educational policy-making and policy implementation along a global-local axis.


1. Introduction.- 2. Student-Centeredness as a Global Pedagogy?.- 3. Power and Pedagogy: Historical Perspective.- 4. Political Economy of Education Policy-making.- 5. Local Responses to the Policy.- 6. A Logic That Governs Teaching and Learning.- 7. Conclusion.

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