Educating media literacy : the need for critical media literacy in teacher education


    • Butler, Allison T.


Educating media literacy : the need for critical media literacy in teacher education

by Allison T. Butler

(Critical media literacies series, v. 3)

Brill Sense, c2020

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. [101]-117) and index



Critical media literacy is a necessary part of young people's education and can foster the space for a more thoroughly informed and involved citizenry. In order to make critical media literacy sustainable in K-12 classrooms, learning and application of it must begin with teachers, preferably during their formal schooling. Educating Media Literacy is a manifesto for the inclusion of media literacy in teacher education and, by extension, in K-12 classrooms. Through a discussion of critical media literacy's aims and the role of teacher education in the United States, this book argues for the inclusion of critical media literacy in teacher education. Educating Media Literacy addresses two separate topics - teacher education and media literacy - and illustrates how they are intertwined: The United States struggles simultaneously with how best to train and retain prospective teachers and how to foster a better understanding of mainstream media. These two struggles can join forces and move towards a solution through the following: The inclusion of critical media literacy in teacher education programs.


Acknowledgements 1 Education Is the Answer (What Is the Question?) 1 Introduction 2 Main Argument 3 Media Literacy: Foundations 4 Focus of the Book 5 Conclusion 2 Critical Media Literacy 1 Introduction 2 How Media Literate Are Young People? 3 Defensiveness to Democratization/Protection to Celebration 4 Critical Media Literacy 5 Technology in the Classroom 6 Conclusion: What's Missing? 3 The Education of Training Teachers 1 Introduction 2 History of Teacher Education 3 Teacher Education Debate 4 Arguing with Alternative Teacher Education 5 Arguing with Traditional Teacher Education 6 Commonalities between Approaches 7 Conclusion 4 Politicizing the Classroom 1 Introduction 2 Education as Solution 3 Location of Reform 4 Role of the Teacher 5 Role of the Student 6 Classroom Today 7 Conclusion 5 Practices of Media Literacy in the Classroom 1 Introduction 2 The Need for Teacher Education 3 Classroom Dynamics 4 Subject Relevance 5 Connecting Teachers 6 Justif.ication for Practice 7 Conclusion 6 Conclusion: (Media) Education Is the Answer 1 Introduction 2 Many Calls to Action 3 Teacher Education in Critical Media Literacy 4 Does Media Literacy Work? 5 What Is 'Good' Media Literacy? 6 How to Do It? 7 The Manifesto's Journey 8 Conclusion References Index

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