Phenomenology and perspectives on the heart
Phenomenology and perspectives on the heart
(Contributions to phenomenology, v. 117)
Springer, c2022
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
This edited collection marks a new wave of international and philosophical scholarship on "the heart"- that rich dimension of our emotional being in the world. This text addresses the relation between feeling and knowing and investigates whether or not the heart has its own way of cognition and critique. This book takes up the emotional turn in philosophy in general, and phenomenology in particular, advancing this field through innovative and original perspectives. The contributions come from philosophers working in distinctive, yet overlapping areas of research.
1. Sara Heinamaa, "Norms and Values: Evidence of Love and the Tasks of Critique"
2. Ignacio Quepons, "Vulnerability and Misery: An investigation in critical phenomenology"
3. Rosemary RP Lerner, "From Reason to Love? Or from Love to Reason? The Role of Instincts"
4. Edward S. Casey, "Taking Emotion Far Out"
5. Anthony J. Steinbock, "The Relation between Feelings and Feeling-States
6. Ellie Anderson, "My Heart is Yours: A Phenomenology of Self-Revelation through Loving Another"
7. Mariano Crespo, "The Phenomenology of Joy: A Case Study in Emotional Intentionality"
8. Antonio Calcagno, "Heart and Heartlessness in Edith Stein and Gerda Walther"
9. Jeffrey Bloechl "Kardia in the Pauline Tripartite Anthropology"
10. Christina M. Gschwandtner "Becoming the Familiar of Your Heart: The Phenomenality of Ascetic Practices"
11. Natalie Depraz, "Measuring the Rhythms of the Heart of the Praying Person: a 'irrealisable'?"
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