Proliferation of weapons- and dual-use technologies : diplomatic, information, military, and economic approaches
Proliferation of weapons- and dual-use technologies : diplomatic, information, military, and economic approaches
(Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications)
Springer, c2021
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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This book explores and analyzes the rapid pace of technological evolution in diplomatic, information, military, and economic sectors, which has contributed to a dynamic international policy environment. Global political stability is greatly influenced by innovations originating from numerous sources, including university labs, the technology sector, and military research. Collectively, these innovations guide the movement of people, ideas, and technology that in turn affect the international balance of power. The objective of this volume is to develop new insights into how the proliferation of innovative ideas, low-cost weapons, and dual-use technologies impact the changing global security landscape. Innovative and dual-use technologies can be used for beneficial purposes or defensive purposes. Alternatively they may be appropriated or employed for nefarious purposes by hostile military powers and non-state actors alike. Such actions can threaten global security and stability. As the complexity of technological innovations continues to increase, existing control mechanisms such as international regulations and security arrangements may be insufficient to stem the tide of proliferation over time. As such, this works seeks to assess and present policy solutions to curtail the threat to global stability posed by the proliferation of weapons and dual-use technology.
1. Introduction.- 2. The Potential Impact of Video Manipulation and Fraudulent Simulation Technology Using Simple AI on Political Stability.- 3. Limitations of GPS and the Need for Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT).- 4. Dragonflies in the African Bush: Security Ramifications of Low-Cost Light Attack/Air Reconnaissance Aircraft Proliferation.- 5. Development and Proliferation of Flexible and Wearable Electronics: Opportunities and Challenges for National Security.- 6. Potential Threats from Advances in Neurotechnology.- 7. Exploring the Spread of Offensive Cyber Operations Campaigns.- 8. The Impacts of Proliferation and Autonomy of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems on Security.- 9.- Chemical Defenses in Dense Urban Areas: How Urbanization and Proliferation of Delivery Mechanisms Creates the Need for in-situ Defense Devices.- 10. The Impact of Displaced Persons on National Security.
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