Promoting the sustainable development goals in North American cities : case studies & best practices in the science of sustainability indicators



Promoting the sustainable development goals in North American cities : case studies & best practices in the science of sustainability indicators

David B. Abraham, Seema D. Iyer, editors

(Sustainable Development Goals series / series editors, R.B. Singh, Suraj Mal, Michael E. Meadows, . Sustainable cities and communities)

Springer, 2021

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Corrected publication 2021"--t.p. verso

"Springer nature sustainable development goals series", "SDG: 11" -- On cover

Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume presents North American best practices and perspectives on developing, managing and monitoring indicators to track development progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in local communities and cities. In 4 main sections, the book presents and frames the many ways in which community indicator programs are either integrating or retooling to integrate the SDGs into their existing frameworks, or how they are developing new programs to track and report progress on the SDGs. This is the first volume that focuses on SDG adoption within the context of North Americans cities and communities, and the unique issues and opportunities prevalent in these settings. The chapters are developed by experienced academics and practitioners of community planning and sustainable development, and will add broad perspective on public policy, organizational management, information management and data visualization. This volume presents a case-study approach to chapters, offering lessons that can be used by three main audiences: 1) teachers and researchers in areas of urban, regional, and environmental planning, urban development, and public policy; 2) professional planners, decision-makers, and urban managers; and 3) sustainability activists and interested groups.


Chapter1: Introduction: Localizing SDG Goals and empowering cities and communities in North America for sustainability.- SectionI: City & Regional Localization of SDGs.- Chapter2: Localizing the SGDs in Baltimore: Challenges and Opportunities of the USA Sustainable Cities Initiative.- Chapter3: Los Angeles: Measuring Its Ambition to Achieve the SDGs.- Chapter4: The Idea of Sustainability and the Houston Region.- SectionII: Programs and Tools to support the implementation of the SDGs.- Chapter5: Making the SDGs Relevant for Cities: Using the Community Capital Tool in British Columbia.- Chapter6: How Local Communities Can Align with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Santa Cruz County Case Study.- SectionIII: Mobilizing Local SDG efforts across North America.- Chapter7: Top-down and Bottom-Up Approaches to the SDG-Monitoring Challenge.- Chapter8: Data for Good for All - Enabling All Communities to Track Progress Towards SDG Implementation.- SectionIV: Developing new methods and data to localize SDGs.- Chapter9: Helping the Neighborhood Create Indicators for Sustainable Housing Planning, Sustainable Development Goal #11 Sustainable Cities & Communities.- Chapter10: How the Youth Social Enterprise (YSE) Model Supports the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal #8 Economic Growth and Decent Work in American Cities.- SectionV: Goals, Targets and Indicators for Localizing SDGs in the US.- Chapter11: Proposed Local SDG Indicators for US Cities and Communities.

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