Jeweḍ 'I-hoi : earth movements : O'odham c Milga:n S-ke:g Ha'icu Cegtodag : a collection of poems in O'odham & Englishĭ


Jeweḍ 'I-hoi : earth movements : O'odham c Milga:n S-ke:g Ha'icu Cegtodag : a collection of poems in O'odham & Englishĭ

Ofelia Zepeda

Kore Press, 1997




In Jewed 'I-Hoi/Earth Movements , MacArthur award-winning poet, linguist and language preservationist Ofelia Zepeda narrates eleven poems and an introductory talk in English and her native Tohono O'odham. This billingual audio CD comes with a chapbook, hand sewn into letterpress printed covers and packaged in a red clay-colored folder with cloth ribbon. Zepeda's poems explore the poignant differences between her parents' lives and her own life as a contemporary O'odham. Hearing her gentle voice embrace the old O'odham words is a unique and profound pleasure. Excerpt from Earth Movements : ""Riding the Earth"" She said she felt the earth move again. I never knew whether she meant she felt a tremor or whether it was the rotation of the earth. I like to think she felt the rotation, because anyone can feel a tremor.

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