
The Routledge handbook of Indian Buddhist philosophy

edited by William Edelglass, Pierre-Julien Harter and Sara McClintock

(Routledge handbooks in philosophy)

Routledge, 2023

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



Incredibly thorough overview of Indian Buddhist philosophy, organised by thinker to give a comprehensive overview of texts and themes Very strong team of editors and international line up of contributors Focus on Indian Buddhist philosophy allows each thinker to explored in depth, in contrast to competing volumes


Introduction William Edelglass, Pierre-Julien Harter, Sara McClintock Part 1: Buddhas as Philosophers Introduction to Part 1 1. Gotama Buddha: His Quest and Teachings Bhikkhu Analayo 2. Siddhartha Gautama: Beyond the Historical Figure Richard F. Nance 3. Vajradhara: Tantric Buddha as Philosophical Author Vesna Wallace 4. Maitreya Buddha: The Future Buddha as an Author Klaus-Dieter Mathes Part 2: Poet Philosophers Introduction to Part 2 5. Asvaghosa: The Dawn of Indian Buddhist Philosophy Vincent Eltschinger 6. The Milindapanha: How to Use a Philosophical Resource and Find a Literary Gem Sonam Kachru 7. Cattanar: Poet-Philosopher in Tamil Anne Monius 8. Saraha: The Anti-Philosopher as Philosopher Roger Jackson Part 3: Abhidharma Philosophers Introduction to Part 3 9. The Dhammasangani and Vibhanga: The Perfectly-Awakened Buddha and the First Abhidhammikas Maria Heim 10. Katyayaniputra and the Large Commentary (Mahavibhasa): The Development of Abhidharma Literature and of a Sarvastivada Self-identity Bart Dessein 11. Moggaliputta Tissa's Points of Discussion (Kathavatthu): Reasoning and Debate in Early Buddhist Thought Rupert Gethin 12. The Sammitiya-Vatsiputriyas: Buddhist Personalism as a School of Thought Peter Skilling Part 4: Philosophical Founders Introduction to Part 4 13. Nagarjuna: Dependent Arising Without Any Thing Arising Amber Carpenter 14. Aryadeva: Quietism and Buddhist Ethics Tom Tillemans 15. Asanga: Great Systematizer of Yogacara Thought Jowita Kramer 16. Vasubandhu: Mainstream and Mahayana Jonathan Gold 17. Dignaga: Early Innovator in Buddhist Epistemology Kei Kataoka 18. Dharmakirti: Philosopher and Defender of the Faith John Taber Part 5: Early Period Commentators (fifth - eighth century) Introduction to Part 5 19. Buddhaghosa: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and the Buddhist Path Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad 20. Bhaviveka: Madhyamaka Dialectic, Doxography, and Soteriology Karl-Stephan Bouthillette 21. Dharmapala: A Janus-Faced Interpreter of Yogacara? Ching Keng 22. Sthiramati: A Yogacara Commentator and Innovator Roy Tzohar and Jowita Kramer 23. Devendrabuddhi and Sakyabuddhi: Dharmakirti's Earliest Commentators Alexander Yiannopoulos 24. Candrakirti: Gardener of Sky-Flowers Mattia Salvini Part 6: Middle Period Commentators (eighth - ninth century) Introduction to Part 6 25. Subhagupta: An Externalist Outsider within the Dharmakirtian Tradition Serena Saccone 26. Dharmottara: Systematic and Innovative Commentator David Nowakowski 27. Jnanagarbha: Two Truths Theory, Gradualism, and Madhyamika Philosophy Ryusei Keira 28. Santaraksita: Climbing the Ladder to Ultimate Truth Allison Aitken 29. Kamalasila: Madhyamaka Champion of Magical Reason Sara McClintock 30. Haribhadra: The Voice of Perfect Wisdom Pierre-Julien Harter 31. Santideva: Virtue on the Empty Path of the Bodhisattva Stephen Harris 32. Prajnakaragupta: Buddhist Epistemology as the Path to the Wisdom of Non-Duality Shinya Moriyama Part 7: Late Period Commentators (tenth - twelfth century) Introduction to Part 7 33. Jitari: A Later Buddhist Master of Debate Junjie Chu 34. Jnanasrimitra: Variegated Non-Duality Lawrence McCrea 35. Ratnakirti: Aligning Everyday Experience with Momentariness and Idealism Patrick McAllister 36. Ratnakarasanti: The Illumination of False-form Gregory Max Seton 37. Atisa: The Great Middle Way of Mere Appearance James Apple 38. Abhayakaragupta: A Last Great Pandita Kazuo Kano Part 8: Modern Philosophers Introduction to Part 8 39. B. R. Ambedkar: Justice, Religion, and Buddhist Political Philosophy William Edelglass 40. The Dalai Lama XIV: A Modern Indian Philosopher Jay L. Garfield. Index

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