Global health security : recognizing vulnerabilities, creating opportunities
Global health security : recognizing vulnerabilities, creating opportunities
(Advanced sciences and technologies for security applications)
Springer, c2020
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
With our highly connected and interdependent world, the growing threat of infectious diseases and public health crisis has shed light on the requirement for global efforts to manage and combat highly pathogenic infectious diseases and other public health crisis on an unprecedented level. Such disease threats transcend borders. Reducing global threats posed by infectious disease outbreaks - whether naturally caused or resulting from a deliberate or accidental release - requires efforts that cross the disaster management pillars: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
This book addresses the issues of global health security along 4 themes: Emerging Threats; Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery; Exploring the Technology Landscape for Solutions; Leadership and Partnership. The authors of this volume highlight many of the challenges that confront our global security environment today. These range from politically induced disasters, to food insecurity, to zoonosis and terrorism. More optimistically, the authors also present some advances in technology that can help us combat these threats. Understanding the challenges that confront us and the tools we have to overcome them will allow us to face our future with confidence.
- Forward
- T. Unnasch.- Section 1 Emerging threats.- Plagues, Epidemics and Pandemics
- R. Izurieta.- Agricultural Emergencies: Factors and Impacts in the Spread of Transboundary Diseases in, and adjacent to, Agriculture
- A. Hydrick.- The Threat within: mitigating the risk of medical error
- S. Bennett.- Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events and Global Health Security- A lens into vulnerabilities
- C. Bell, A. Masys.- Global Health Biosecurity in a Vulnerable World - An Evaluation of Emerging Threats and Current Disaster Preparedness Strategies for the Future
- K. Miley.- The emerging threat of Ebola
- M. Labrunda, N. Amin.- Section 2: Mitigation, Preparedness and Response and Recovery.- Natural and Manmade Disasters: Vulnerable Populations
- J. Marshall et al.- Sexual Violence
- S. Spowart.-Global Health Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction
- C. Reynolds.- Antimicrobial Resistance in One Health
- M. Medina et al.- Food Security - microbiological and chemical risks
- J. Schlundt et al.- Section 3: Exploring the technology Landscape for Solutions. Gaussianization of variational Bayesian approximations with correlated non-nested non-negligible posterior mean random effects employing non-negativity constraint analogs and analytical depossinization for iteratively fitting capture point, Aedes aegypti habitat non-zero autocorrelated prognosticators: A case study in evidential probabilities for non-frequentistic forecast epi-entomological time series modeling of arboviral infections
- A. Huertas et al.- Simulation, Modeling and Telemedicine in Global Health Security
- A. French.- The growing role of social media in international health security: The good, the bad, and the ugly
- S.P. Stawicki et al.- Section 4: Leadership and partnerships. Effecting Collective Impact through Collective Leadership on a Foundation of Generative Relationships
- M. Levine.- Global Health Innovation
- J. Stikeleather, A. Masys.
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